EASTENDERS schoolboy Will Mitchell exposes the Square’s villain Suki Panesar for selling out of date food next week.
Will gets on the wrong side of Suki when he points out the food he’s taken is out of date when she catches him stealing from the Minute Mart.
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Next week’s episodes of EastEnders will see Honey tell Jay in the Minute Mart that Paul has been convicted for attacking someone else and is going to prison.
But their conversation is interrupted by Suki frantically chasing a thief only to realise its schoolboy Will.
Will begs her to go easy on him, explaining that he was taking the food to give to a friend who’s family is struggling to feed him.

But Suki is unsympathetic and continues to insist on making an example out of him.
She’s stopped in her tracks, however, when Will points out he was only taking the food that is out of date.
Might Suki turn nasty with Will?
Will, the son of Billy and Honey Mitchell, hasn’t been living on the Square since he ended up in the firing line last year during Ben Mitchell’s attempt to kill Billy.
Ben hired a hitman to kill Billy after discovering his plan to bankrupt Phil, but put a stop to the deadly assignment when he discovered that Will would be accompanying Billy.
Will, however, was injured and carted off to hospital in an ambulance.
Could Will be about to cause some trouble in Walford?
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