Emmerdale fans convinced Al Chapman’s mystery woman is his secret daughter

EMMERDALE fans think there’s a major twist coming about the identity of Al Chapman’s mystery woman – that she’s his daughter.

The businessman – who is played by actor Michael Wildman in the ITV soap – has been seen having mysterious conversations with an equally mysterious person.

Fans think Al’s mystery woman is his secret daughter

He is engaged to Priya Sharma but appears to be playing away behind her back.

And while many are convinced it’s everyone from Chas Dingle to Kim Tate – others think it’s a less romantic relationship.

Instead they are convinced Al’s mystery phone calls are to his secret daughter.

One wrote: “I think it’s not another woman – it’s his daughter and he’s trying to keep her secret.”

He is currently engaged to Priya

A second said: “I am certain it is a daughter or family member but why all the secrecy and the delays regarding the marriage and yes the decidedly dodgy texts and conversation.”

Another added: “I definitely was leaning towards it being a secret daughter.”

However a fourth said: “If they do go down it being his daughter the dialogue they’ve used is disturbing.

“There is also how this is suddenly out of nowhere and he is now jetting off to spend time with them, when lockdown happened and nothing.

“Then all these months later were to believe this had been going on probably for god knows how long.”

Emmerdale bosses have already teased a major surprise coming at Christmas but could it be that Al has a secret daughter?

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