THERE’S trouble brewing for Paddy Kirk in Emmerdale as Kim Tate forces him to do the unthinkable for her.
The vet is already in a bit of a pickle after he used drugs to help one of Kim’s racehorses perform better in a race.

He gave his services to the schemer in the ITV soap after she vowed to help him and wife Chas with their money flow problems.
Not coping well with the guilt, Paddy has been left at his wit’s end, unsure of whether Kim will reveal his illegal act.
Toying with poor Paddy, Kim says she won’t decide what to disclose until she knows what the police find in their search.
As The Woolpack’s financial struggles continue, a cash-strapped Chas asks Paddy when he’s got more work lined up at the race course.
He dashes off but ends up feeling trapped when Kim raises the stakes asks him to dope her race horse again.
To make matters worse a suspicious Al catches the two of them having a hushed conversation.
Using his discovery to his advantage, he blackmails Paddy, keeping his secret in return for a huge favour.
Kim approached Paddy in Monday night’s episode when she realised just how he could help her.
She said: “I now know what you can offer in return. You see I have a racehorse and it’s his first outing tomorrow.
“I want my boy to be a champion so when the time comes I can make a small fortune when I put him into stud.
“You could, how shall I put it, inject a bit of oomph into his performance.”
As Paddy insisted he couldn’t do it because it was illegal and he could lose his licence, Kim tightened the screws.
“You could lose a lot more than that if you don’t,” she said, playing on Paddy’s fears.
“I’ve given you a way out – or your wife partners with Al. And we all know his reputation.”