Emotional moment Good Morning Britain’s Dr Amir Khan fights back tears over Covid care home deaths

GOOD Morning Britain’s Doctor Amir Khan fought back tears during an emotional account about his patients dying in care homes during the coronavirus pandemic.

The TV medic admitted his struggle as he reflected on Health Secretary Matt Hancock defending claims he let Covid into care homes.

Dr Amir Khan got emotional on today’s Good Morning Britain

Last night Hancock squirmed as he was grilled about Dominic Cummings’ version of events, as he said there were not enough tests to swab every vulnerable resident returning from hospital in the first wave.

“I was seeing people in care homes being discharged from hospital without being tested.

“We saw it spread through the care homes, especially the ones I was looking after.

“I get quite emotional about it because I have been working at the same care home practice for ten years. I know them really well and they were dying.

The TV medic looks after patients in care homes

“They were dying from this virus.

“Relatives weren’t able to come in and see them and I was having conversations with family members on the phone when I would normally do that face to face.

“It was incredibly difficult and treatment options were limited because we couldn’t send them back to hospital. It was really, really tough.

“To say there was a ring-fence around care homes.. that certainly wasn’t my experience at the time.

“This isn’t going to be the last pandemic we have, so we have to learn from these mistakes “

That care homes became infected in the jaws of the first wave is blamed for the deaths of thousands of residents.

He told about his own experience during the pandemic

Matt Hancock MP at last night’s No10 briefing

Mr Hancock felt the heat at a combative Downing Street press conference where he was repeatedly put ex-No10 aide’s damning allegation.

He wriggled over Mr Cummings’ crucial charge that he personally assured Boris Johnson every care home resident would be tested.

Mr Hancock said: “My recollection of events is that I committed to delivering that testing for people going from hospital into care homes when we could do it. I then went away and built the testing capacity.”

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