Escape to the Chateau’s Angel Adoree left red-faced as Dick Strawbridge grabs her bum on camera

ESCAPE to the Chateau star Angel came down on hubby Dick during Sunday night’s episode as she demanded: “Stop pinching my bum”.

The hit Channel 4 show returned to screens across the UK this weekend, giving viewers a much-needed fix of Dick Strawbridge and Angel Adoree as the handy duo continued renovations on their stately French pile, Château de la Motte-Husson.

Angel Adoree was left red-faced when husband Dick Strawbridge pinched her bum on Escape to the Chateau

Over the last five years, the adventurous couple have transformed the chateau into a cosy family home and stylish weddings and events venue. 

During the first episode on Sunday, Dick, 62, and Angel, 43, wanted to make the most of their downtime and the chateau’s empty calendar to get stuck into another project. 

The pair began converting the 150-year-old granary store in the original couch house into a plush suite. 

But near the beginning of the show, a mortified Angel had a go at saucy Dick as he got up to a bit of mischief. 

“Ouch, stop pinching my bum”,  the interior designer scolded. 

The hilarious telling-off came as the couple made their way to chat with Angel’s mum and dad, Jenny and Stephen, who moved into the former coach house after it was renovated a while back. 

However, they’ve been keen on renovating the upper level to use as a sumptuous bedroom and en-suite bathroom. 

Referring to the ceiling height, Jenny said: “It does feel low but it is fine though”. 

Angel came back to suggest: “As long as you can get the right lighting then you will be fine”. 

Weighing in on the project, Dick commented: “Natural light, two windows this end. That is all there is in the building. I think we just need to understand the size of your bedroom.

“This whole floor space is massive. Where do you see the end of the bedroom?” he asked. 

“This bit here”, Stephen specified as Dick highlighted a problem with the window

The engineer explained: “This is your wall length. This is the end of your wall. And when you come in the door you can’t see this window.

“All the light from this room, the light is there” he added. 

Angel took Dick’s side, telling her parents: “You’ve got a really nice open plan, which you are trying to box up too much”. 

Jenny chimed in with: “Putting the walls up would be great”. 

As the conversion got under way, Angel didn’t seem overly pleased about the wall and how it closed up the room. 

Walking Jenny and Stephen through her progress, the flame-haired decorator said: “When you walk through a door the first thing you want to feel is space. I don’t know, I think that has been taken away”.  

“Once you get a couple of bits of furniture in here, you will lose that essence of what it was”, she concluded.

Angel and her parents couldn’t see eye-to-eye about the plan for their new bedroom suite

Dick loved the natural light in the space in the original coach house

Angel didn’t seem too happy about the wall Dick put up at her mum and dad’s request