Former Child Star of "The Holiday" Shares Her Experience and Life After Acting

Former Child Star of The Holiday Shares Her Experience and Life After Acting

From Hollywood to Normalcy

If you're a fan of heartwarming holiday movies, chances are you've seen "The Holiday." Released in 2006, the film stars Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz, along with Jude Law and Jack Black. Miffy Englefield, who played Jude Law's daughter Sophie in the movie, is now 24 years old and living a normal life after stepping away from the spotlight in 2011.

A Dream Come True

Being in "The Holiday" was Miffy's first paid acting gig, and it was a dream come true for the young star. Her father had signed her up with an agency when she was just four years old, and they were expecting smaller roles. But suddenly, Miffy landed a major role in a Hollywood film. "It was quite unexpected... it happened really fast," she recalls.

Working with Hollywood Stars

At just six years old, Miffy didn't fully grasp the fame of her co-stars Jude Law and Cameron Diaz. She admits, "I was pretty clueless... It wasn't until later in life that I realized who these people were." Despite this, Miffy had a wonderful experience on set, noting that everyone was kind and genuine. She describes it as the "nicest experience" she's ever had on a film set.

Life After Acting

After her last acting role at the age of 11, Miffy stopped receiving offers due to her mature appearance. She explains, "You don't really want a 12-year-old who looks 16." Since then, Miffy has worked as a barmaid and is now a stay-at-home mum to her three-year-old daughter, Frankie.

Former Child Star of The Holiday Shares Her Experience and Life After Acting

The Future

Miffy isn't sure if Frankie will follow in her footsteps and become an actress. She wants to give her daughter the freedom to choose her own path. As for a sequel to "The Holiday," Miffy doesn't believe it will happen, but she had the opportunity to recreate one of the film's iconic scenes and cherished the experience.

Home Exchange and New Adventures

Miffy and her family recently had their own Home Exchange holiday, swapping their home in Worthing for a beautiful country house near Hastings. She describes the experience as fantastic and loved channeling Kate Winslet's character from the film. Home Exchange is also giving away an experience to recreate the feast-for-one scene from "The Holiday" to 20 solo travelers.

Overall, Miffy Englefield's journey from child star to living a normal life has been filled with cherished memories and new adventures. While she's no longer in the spotlight, she remains grateful for her time in the film industry and looks forward to what the future holds.

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