From Miss Hoolie to Mindfulness: Julie Wilson Nimmo's New Career

From Miss Hoolie to Mindfulness: Julie Wilson Nimmo's New Career

New Beginnings

Julie Wilson Nimmo, known for her role as Miss Hoolie in the beloved children's TV show Balamory, has embarked on a new career path far from her BBC fame.

Soulful Sundays

Julie, now going by the name Jules, hosts 'Soulful Sunday' classes on Scottish beaches like Ruby Bay and Elie, promoting yoga and sea swimming as a form of natural therapy.

Life Changing Experiences

Reflecting on her journey into mindfulness, Jules shared, "Yoga and CWT has changed my life for the better. I'm addicted to how much better I feel and now want to help people feel better through it too!"

Return to Tobermory

Recently, the 52-year-old revisited the fictional Balamory island, Tobermory, for an open sea swimming competition, showcasing her passion for both mindfulness and physical activity.

From Miss Hoolie to Mindfulness: Julie Wilson Nimmo's New Career

Personal Revelations

Jules and her husband Greg Hemphill have been open about their personal lives, with Greg sharing how Viagra has positively impacted their intimacy, leading to a stronger connection.

End of an Era

Balamory, the show that brought Julie Wilson Nimmo into the spotlight, aired from 2002 to 2005, marking a significant chapter in her career.

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