Gardeners’ World’s Monty Don hits back after being slammed by viewers for ‘celebrating’ ban on garden essential

GARDENERS’ World host Monty Don has hit back at viewers after he was slammed for “celebrating” a ban on a a gardening essential.

The TV presenter came under fire after he backed a campaign to eradicate peat – soil made from semi-decomposed vegetables – from compost.

Monty Don hit back after a following slammed him on Twitter

The star has been campaigning against the use of peat compost

Monty, 66, took to Twitter to say he was “pushing for change” towards a more environmentally-friendly alternative to his following.

He told his fans that he wants peat to be eliminated from compost, signing a letter to the Environment Secretary to have it banned by 2025.

The star “celebrated” an article which revealed the sale of peat compost would be banned from 2024 with alternatives on offer.

“This is entirely to be celebrated,” Monty wrote. “Good, effective laws take time to go through parliament. Better to wait and get it right than rush something through with loopholes.”

But many were quick to point out the suggestions he was making were much more expensive, and could be a problem for regular gardeners.

“What about people on benefits trying to establish a garden from scratch?” one disgruntled follower quickly hit back against Monty.

He scathingly continued: “It’s OK for TV stars to push for change as they can afford whatever alternative there is.”

Monty quickly quipped back at the follower: “If there is no peat compost available the market will dictate prices.

“Non-peat is not a luxury but an essential part of action against climate change and protecting the environment – for rich, poor, expert or novice. Everyone, everywhere benefits.”

The Twitter user still wasn’t happy with Monty’s answer, suggesting the gardener look to other ways to battle the climate crises than the compost.

“If there’s no other compost available how can the market dictate the price? Why not campaign against foreign countries belching out co2 gasses?” he asked.

“The rural peat industry employs hundreds of workers, what do they do for a job?” he continued to press Monty in a thread.

But the TV host was adamant the right change was being made, hitting back: “There are already a number of different, widely available peat-free composts.

“There will be more. Climate change knows no national boundaries – we all have to do as much as we can, here and now.”

Gardeners’ World is on BBC Two tonight at 8pm.

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