GMB guest Russell Kane furiously slams ‘idiots’ panic-buying petrol as he tells queuers to ‘sod off’

COMEDIAN Russell Kane has furiously slammed the “idiots” panic-buying petrol as he tells queuers to “sod off”.

Appearing on Good Morning Britain today, the funnyman ranted about those “topping up, not filling up” as the country goes into crisis.

Russell Kane told panic-buyers to ‘sod off’

He said defiantly: “There would be enough fuel if now the initial panic has come if we all used the amount we needed.

“I can’t believe we’re taking about getting the army involved.

“What is wrong with people?”

He insisted: “We wold not have closed pumps if people had not behaved with idiotic selfishness when they already had 90 per cent full tanks.

“I’m convinced people are topping up not filling up.

“It shouldn’t be a maximum order it should be a minimum order.

“If you need less than £30 fuel, what are you doing here? Sod off – goodbye.”

Earier in the programme, presenter Susanna Reid spoke of her fear as the petrol crisis threatens her sons’ education ahead of upcoming exams.

She said her “heart sinks” as a headteacher warned of closing schools as staff struggle to get to work.

It comes after Covid wreaked chaos on students – leaving them desperately catching up on the curriculum after months of home-schooling.

Gemma Penny, headteacher of Allestrees Woodlands School, told the breakfast show: “Speaking with colleagues, it’s been a flying start to the new academic year.

“We’ve been restoring confidence in students gearing up for the exams at the end of the year… then something like this happens.

“We’ve got staff with positive lateral tests who are waiting on PCR tests to come back, which means they can’t come in.

“There’s teachers or teachers’ children with illness because of all the bugs that are flying around and we’re all catching everything.

“The fuel crisis is compounding the issue. We do have a tipping point where it’s not viable to deliver the school curriculum or actually run a safe site if you have too many staff absent.

“It’s imperative that something is done to address this.

“Key workers who are doing really important jobs need to get fuel to be able to go to work.”

It’s been reported essential workers will get exclusive access to petrol pumps under emergency government plans.

It comes as greedy fuel bosses allowed prices to surge to more than 150p a litre, as the nation queues to fill its tanks.

Susanna Reid worries about her kids’ education

Headteacher Gemma Penny may have to close her school

For the last few days, massive queues have snaked around petrol stations after the fuel crisis hit