THE Channel 4 documentary explored how Richard Coles learnt how to live after the death of his husband.
The drama saw Rev Richard Coles become a widower in 2019 when his partner, David, died following a long battle with alcoholism.

Richard shares his relatable journey of life after death of a loved one
Three years on, Richard still referred to David as “the love of my life.”
The national treasure revealed the harsh realities of living alone.
He said: “One thing no-one prepared me for is that supermarkets can be a really lonely place.”
Richard tried multiple things to deal with is grief, such as laughter therapy, surf therapy, boxing, cuddling alpacas, attending dinner parties with bereaved strangers, and setting sail on a “grief cruise” around the Caribbean.
Viewers were left in tears as they followed Richard’s relatable and touching journey on how he navigated through grief.
Taking to Twitter, one viewer said: “Crying already but also really enjoying #GoodGrief on @Channel4. @RevRichardColes, thank you for this.
“Learning to deal with grief is something I’ve never properly mastered.”
Another wrote: “I thought I was doing ok but perhaps, actually, numbness is passing.
“Tonight’s @LPChoir rehearsal of Elgar’s Gerontius overwhelmed me & just now, @RevRichardColes’s #GoodGrief brought tears & hope: “It holds you, & you can make your way” I’m stumbling just now, but forwards.”
A third penned: “Beautiful poem, song, images @RevRichardColes Crying with you #GoodGrief.”
Good Grief with Reverend Richard Coles airs Monday at 10pm on Channel 4.

Viewers were left in tears as he copes with his grief