Good Morning Britain fan spots weird blunder as Piers Morgan’s left hand gets ‘cut off’

GOOD Morning Britain fans were baffled this morning as Piers Morgan’s arm kept disappearing off screen.

The limb was chopped off while he was gesticulating during an onscreen segment alongside co-host Susanna Reid, 50.

Piers Morgan’s limb kept disappearing during a segment on Good Morning Britain earlier today

Piers, 55, and Susanna were debating the latest with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle when one eagle-eyed viewer noticed something a bit strange on their TV.

As the pair were talking Piers’ limb kept vanishing into thin air.

The fan took to Twitter to share the footage and said: “Fascinating debate but I would like to know why @piersmorgan’s left hand disappears in this shot?”

The duo are made to look like they’re sitting close together on the show, when in real life they’re actually far apart due to Covid-19 restrictions.

Seconds later his arm reappeared – leaving one fan confused

Many users replied to the tweet to explain that to the confused viewer.

One wrote: “They are social distancing and it a split screen.”

Another said: “I presume they’re further apart and they’ve put them closer on TV.”

A third chimed in: “Keeping a distance while also keeping them closer.”

Susanna and Piers have been keeping their distance from each other due to the current coronavirus pandemic

A fourth added: “They are actually sitting quite a distance apart due to COVID. If you had seen them over the Christmas period then they both had a tree but it was compose so it looked like there was only one. Clever really.”

Piers managed to see the tweet and joked: “It’s magic..”

This isn’t the first time the split screen has sparked misunderstandings.

Susanna was accused of “fondling Piers Morgan’s bottom” as they attempted to social distance on set.

Viewers had noticed the hilarious glitch and tweeted in that they had seen the presenter had been getting handsy with her co-star.

Piers said: “Someone’s just (tweeted in) and said, ‘Piers, your split screen effect occasionally makes Susanna appear to be fondling your bottom’.”

Susanna went on to extend her arm in his direction and Piers shouted “oof!” before the whole set burst into hysterics.

The confusion comes after Susanna slammed Piers’ “fragile masculinity” during a Potato Head debate earlier on today during the ITV breakfast show.