Guest on Antiques Roadshow Shocked by Value of 'Gold Dust' Print

Guest on Antiques Roadshow Shocked by Value of 'Gold Dust' Print

Hidden Treasure Unveiled

An Antiques Roadshow guest was in for a surprise when he discovered the eye-watering value of his collection of book pages from the 15th century.

Expert's Evaluation

Expert Matthew Haley described the items as "absolute gold dust" and highlighted the rarity of a page printed by William Caxton, the first UK printer, dating back to 1482.

Jaw-Dropping Valuation

Matthew estimated that just one leaf from the collection could fetch between £600-1000 at auction, with the total value of the items ranging from £5K to £10K.

Surprise Reaction

The guest, taken aback by the valuation, humorously pleaded, "Don't let the wife know," showcasing his disbelief at the valuable find.

Guest on Antiques Roadshow Shocked by Value of 'Gold Dust' Print

Other Surprising Valuations on Antiques Roadshow

In a separate episode, another guest was shocked to learn the worth of a broken watch found in a box of junk, estimated to be between £1,500 and £2,000 by expert Alistair Chandler.

Antiques Roadshow continues to uncover hidden treasures and surprise guests with the true value of their belongings.

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