Hairy Bikers Fans Moved to Tears as Dave Myers Opens Up About Cancer Battle

Hairy Bikers Fans Moved to Tears as Dave Myers Opens Up About Cancer Battle

Hairy Bikers Fans Moved to Tears as Dave Myers Opens Up About Cancer Battle

Raw Update on Treatment

Hairy Bikers fans were left in tears as Dave Myers shared a raw update on his cancer treatment during his BBC Christmas special. The TV presenter, 66, opened up about his heartbreaking diagnosis and gave viewers an insight into his journey.

Keeping Cancer Under Wraps

Although Dave has been reluctant to disclose the type of cancer he is battling, he remains eager to keep it private. During the special, previously unseen footage of his hospital treatment was aired, and he also recalled the moment he received his diagnosis.

Effects of Chemotherapy

Dave spoke candidly about the effects of chemotherapy, including losing his hair and experiencing physical weakness. He explained that he didn't want to share the details of his cancer publicly because he didn't want the media to speculate on his prognosis. He also expressed guilt over the impact his illness has had on his wife Lil.

A Story of Survival

Despite the challenges he has faced, Dave emphasized that his focus has been on survival and taking each week as it comes. The emotional scenes touched viewers, who were moved by his resilience and determination.

Hairy Bikers Fans Moved to Tears as Dave Myers Opens Up About Cancer Battle

A Miraculous Return

In a moment of joy, viewers learned that Dave is back on his bike after completing his 37th round of chemotherapy. His best friend and co-host, Si King, expressed his delight at seeing Dave back in action. The news brought a sense of hope and optimism to fans.

Emotional Reactions

Viewers took to social media to share their emotional reactions to the program. Many expressed gratitude that Dave is still here and able to share his story. They praised the friendship between Dave and Si and described the special as a beautiful celebration of life.

A Christmas Milestone

As Hairy Bikers: Home for Christmas aired, Dave reflected on the significance of the festive season. He admitted that he never thought he would be alive to enjoy it, but thanks to his treatment and the support of others, he is grateful to be here. While it's not the end of his journey, it marks an important milestone in his battle against cancer.

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