How SAS: Who Dares Wins is TV’s most dangerous show from broken ribs to tendons ‘torn off the bone’ & life-long injuries

IT’S the brutal telly show where recruits are put through their paces to see if they have what it takes to make it in the Special Forces.

The extreme challenges contestants have faced in SAS: Who Dares Wins include jumping backwards into freezing water, crawling across canyons on a tightrope and one-on-one wrestling.

Towie’s Pete Wicks was forced to withdraw after breaking a rib

Ore Oduba was left with PTSD after the show

And even the celebrities in the star-packed version aren’t safe.

Towie’s Pete Wicks, 33, has quit the latest series after breaking a rib – while fellow recruit, Love Island star and fitness fanatic Amber Gill, 24, also walked out after just 48 hours.

Pete’s not the only one to suffer a painful injury on the Channel 4 programme.

Here we reveal the unfortunate celebrities who came off badly – proving Who Dares Wins is arguably the most dangerous show on TV.

Ore Oduba

BBC presenter Ore, 34, left his fellow contestants horrified when he passed out in a river during filming and was unresponsive for half a minute.

The former Strictly champ said he could feel himself “falling unconscious” while undertaking the challenge.

He said: “They pulled me out and got me in the Jeep. The guys told me I was unresponsive for about 30 seconds.”

Ore admitted that he suffered PTSD after appearing on the 2021 series, which he described as a “haunting” experience.

The dad-of-one – who was eliminated in the final – said: “I was battered. My hands were in bandages, cuts to the face and various things.

“My son was the first person I saw after coming home and when he saw the bandages he asked: ‘Are you OK, daddy?’

“I spontaneously broke down in tears. The reality of what I’d been through physically hit when my two-year-old son asked if I was OK.”

Saira Khan

Loose Women star Saira – who took part in the 2021 series – said she was left with “life-changing” injuries afterwards.

Her agonising mishap happened while taking part in a mud wrestling challenge with fellow recruit Ulrika Jonsson.

The 51-year-old said: “I was left with life-long scars, physical ones. That’s very hard to cope with.

“I am a very fit individual and to go onto a show and then have experienced what I did, I was in real shock.

“The show was great in supporting, but it’s gone beyond that. It’s gone onto something a bit bigger than that.”

Saira – who withdrew from the competition in the third episode – later revealed that she was left with a “bionic” ankle after a metal plate and nine pins were inserted by surgeons.

Saira was left with ‘life-changing’ injuries

Jake Quickenden

X-Factor star Jake’s tendons were “torn straight off the bone” during a gruesome incident in which he ruptured his pectoral muscle and bicep in a speedboat challenge.

The soap star, 33, needed surgery after the painful injury, which happened when he tried to pull himself onto a boat at sea in last year’s series.

He screamed in pain as medics rushed to help, with the new dad explaining: “I ruptured my pec muscle and my bicep, so the tendons were torn straight off the bone.

“I had to have them stretched back to my shoulder. I have got four pins in my shoulder now where they are all pinned back into place.

“After the operation, I had no feeling in my arm at all for 48 hours. It was like my arm was totally gone.”

His horrific injuries meant he was forced to withdraw from the show in episode three and it took Jake five months of rehab to recover.

Jake suffered a serious injury on the show

Jake in hospital after the ordeal

Shanaze Reade 

BMX star Shanaze was forced out of the competition after she broke her shoulder, leaving her unable to continue.

The former motocross racer said she was “devastated” to have to leave in episode three of the last season due to injury because she doesn’t care about breaking bones.

The sporting star, 33, is used to it due to the nature of her dangerous sport, and felt she was “short changed”.

She said: “I was just devastated about that because for me breaking bones and stuff, I don’t care.

“It’s been a part of my life with racing. I felt like I was short changed because I went out with injury. I was absolutely gutted.”

Shanaze was ‘gutted’ to leave because of a shoulder injury

Ulrika Jonsson

Sun columnist Ulrika had to be taken to an ambulance in her first episode of Celebrity SAS after suffering from hypothermia.

It came after she took part in a cold water swimming challenge in last year’s injury-packed series.

The 54-year-old recalled: “What phased me was the fact that I was so cold, that I felt that I had no control over my hands. 

“Well, fear and cold meant I had no motor responses at all. I didn’t seem to be able to coordinate myself.

“You’re so concentrating on what you’re doing, I didn’t even look around, I didn’t even look to see where the cameras were. I was literally just trying to get wet clothes off and put something dry on.”

Ulrika was given a check over by medics who gave her the all clear to continue with challenges.

But after a muddy wrestling match in the second episode, the show’s chief medical expert pulled her aside to say the “exhausted” star could no longer compete for safety reasons.

Ulrika was left without feeling in her hands and feet and suffered hypothermia

Jeremy Irvine

The Mamma Mia star had perhaps the most embarrassing injury of the lot in the first celeb special in 2019.

Jeremy, 31, was forced to confess to his fellow recruit Sam Thompson that he’d sustained a blister on his nether regions.

He complained to Sam, 29, that there was a “red ring where it’s been rubbing”.

The Made In Chelsea star urged: “Go and see a doctor for that, for sure mate!”

Jeremy went on to make it all the way to the final but was the first to withdraw under the pressure.

He had previously been rejected from the Army due to his diabetes.

Jeremy Irvine shared the news of his awkward ailment with his pal Sam Thompson