A WOMAN has taken to TikTok to reveal what really happened when she auditioned for Love Island – and the embarrassing moment she realised she probably hadn’t made it.
Milly, known online as @millyg_fit, regularly shares fitness and beauty tips with her 107,000 followers.

Milly took to TikTok to explain what happened during her two interviews

She also shared some selfies she’d taken on the day of her in-person interview back in March 2020
In a new video, the content creator shares what happened when she was approached to apply for the ITV2 hit dating show back in 2020.
But it was the moment they made her do a catwalk while being filmed, that she knew she probably hadn’t made it into the final line-up.
“I’m going to tell you guys about my audition.
“Now I’ve contacted twice, once in 2017 and then once in 2020, and the one in 2020, I was in my last year of uni.
“It was the year when I went into the office to have a whole audition.
“I didn’t really go ahead with the first time they reached out because I just felt like I was too young, I was 19.
“So they DM-ed me. I was like, ‘what is this about’ because they can’t say what the show is.
“You get the gist that it’s Love Island because they say that it’s a big show and goes on every year and whatever, and they obviously ask if you are single as well.
“So anyway, I go through with this phone call and we have this whole chat about my single life if I’ve got any dating stories.
“Anyway, I get invited into London for the next stage of the audition.
“Before I even agreed to it, I’m asking my uni friends, ‘guys, do I do it? Like I’m not sure, I don’t know if I want to do it’, and they basically egged me on to do it.
“So, I got into London, this is what I wore.”
Milly shares a selfie she took on March 5, 2020, where she’s seen wearing blue jeans, a white crop top, and a beige blazer.
She added: “So I’m s******* it, I’ve just started my period and I haven’t prepared. Like I don’t know what I’m about to go through right now.
“I thought it was just going to be me but I turn up, and they put me in this room with about eight other people.
“Very big characters, all girls, and I’m just trying to make as much small talk as I can.
“I was telling everyone how I’d just been rejected by a guy the day before, so I was ready to get on the show and prove to this guy that he’d lost something special.
“Anyway, we ended up waiting for three hours. Three hours of small talk.
“I’m falling asleep, I’m hungry, I’m thirsty, and I’ve just kind of forgotten that I’m actually there to audition.
“Like I don’t really realise that I’m about to go into a separate room by myself.
“Also because there are loads of big characters, I’m just getting smaller and smaller as a person, and my personality is just like ‘ah, freaking out’.
“Anyway, I finally get called into the room. There are two producers there and a big, fat light.
“And they sit me down and they’re just like, ‘go for it, go’, and I’m just speechless, I don’t know what they mean by ‘go’, like I haven’t been told what to prepare for.
“So I say, ‘what do you mean’ and they just try to prompt me and say, ‘tell us about your worst dating story’, so I tell them about this dating story.
“They’re laughing, I’m like, ‘this is going well, I’m funny’.
“My nervous energy means I stumble on my words so I’m not sure if it’s going well or not because I can’t actually string sentences together. It’s not a good trait.
“Then they ask me this next question, I kind of zoned out because I was thinking about when was the last time I changed my tampon because I’ve been waiting in the room for three hours.”
Milly goes on to explain the most embarrassing part of her interview – when they made her do a catwalk and a range of poses.
“Then they made me do this awful bit next which I cringe when I think about it.
“They tell me to get up and move to the end of the room and do a catwalk. Strut my s***.
“I do this catwalk and it’s awful, it’s awful, it’s awful.
“And obviously they’re filming me the whole time. I’m trying to look at the camera, they tell me to do these different poses.
“They’re like, ‘okay, do three different poses’, which I guess is just practice for the trailer thing.”
At the end of the video, she reveals that she didn’t hear anything for a couple of months, and then Covid hit.
As a result, the reality show didn’t return until the Summer of 2021.
She adds: “It was a very embarrassing moment. It also made me realise that I’m not good under pressure and I am not good when I’m surrounded by eight extremely big characters.”
Fans loved the content creator’s story, with the video gaining more than 77,900 likes and 111,500 views.
In the comments, Milly’s followers shared their reactions, with one writing: “I’m so glad you didn’t end up going ( lol ik sorry hahaha) but you’re on the right path and THIS is what you’re supposed to be doing. you didn’t need to go on a dating show, bc look where you are now – all through hard hard work. The universe knew.”
Another said: “3 hours..”
A third put: “Girl you are GLOWING now. You’ve thrived & your skin is gorg OMG.”