I starred in Casualty for four years but I quit fame for a normal job and I love it

CASUALTY actress Sam Grey appeared to be living the high life as she played her dream role on the BBC drama but she now insists she is happier than ever away from the acting world

Sam appeared as receptionist turned HCA Alice Chantrey between 2006 and 2010 in the medical drama.

I starred in Casualty for four years but I quit fame for a normal job and I love it
Sam Grey achieved fame in Casualty

I starred in Casualty for four years but I quit fame for a normal job and I love it
She appeared as Alice between 2006 and 2010 but turned her back on fame in favour of a normal job

However, since she turned her back on the show she has quit the fame game for good and landed herself a new full-time job as well as her own side hustle and insists she is loving life more than ever.

In a chat with a fan site for Casualty spin-off Holby City, Sam confirmed she had thrown her acting ambitions away in order to take up a full-time job working in market research.

However, it was taking on this normal role that saw her furloughed during the Covid pandemic and able to start up a small business.

Sam said: “Essentially it’s handmade gemstone jewellery. I started collecting crystals nearly 30 years so my home is filled with them.”

The ex actress added: “During the lockdowns, being stuck on furlough and having watched most of the Netflix library, I was inspired by Marie Kondo.

“I set to reorganising where I found some beads I had bought to make bracelets for a group of friends back in 2013.

“I started researching as I wanted some bead rings but didn’t like what was on offer so I started making my own.”

Inspired by the healing powers of the practise Reiki, Sam was able to fuse her two passions together in her jewellery creations.

She said: “I started Reiki when I was 15 and finished my Master level just over 10 years ago.

“It was only natural to infuse the energy I’m able to channel into my pieces, to enhance their healing properties.”

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