I was on The Chase and fans always ask me the same thing about the studios – they’re stunned at the answer

A RECENT The Chase contestant has spilled the beans on what really goes on behind the scenes of the quiz show.

Rachel Warwick, 21, appeared on the ITV game show in October 2020, but her episode was actually filmed two years before that.

Rachel Warwick gave fans a glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes at The Chase

The German and maths student went on TikTok to reveal the show’s secrets, including answering the most common questions everyone has for her.

First she shared the scoop on long-time host Bradley Walsh.

“Yes, Bradley is lovely… when I did get to speak to him he was so nice, just as nice as he is on TV,” Rachel dished.

The student also explained that both the players and Bradley don’t know which Chasers they will be up against until they walk down the tunnel and that it’s “quite exciting”.

That means contestants’ don’t get to choose the Chaser and their reactions are genuine when filmed for the show.

“Even Bradley doesn’t know who your Chaser will be so that’s quite exciting,” she said in the TikTok.

Rachel went up against Paul ‘The Sinnerman’ Sinha with £4,000 she had banked in the cash builder round, but he was too good for her and she did not make it to the final round.

Another question she got was: “Did you get to sit in the audience when you get caught?”

Rachel replied: “A lot of people have asked about the studio audience but there is no audience in the studio.

“I don’t know if many people know this. It’s the four contestants, Bradley, the Chaser, and all the camera crew and producers and stuff but yeah there’s no audience.”

They film three episodes a day and contestants meet at the studio in the morning and can spend hours together sitting in the green room waiting for their turn to go on set.

In Rachel’s case she got in at about 10am but they didn’t film until 5pm that day.

She also revealed whether the players got their hair and makeup done by the professionals at ITV.

“In terms of hair and make-up, you show up to the studio with your hair and make-up done and then the make-up team touch it up later in the day,” she said.

“And you bring five outfits with you that you’re happy to wear and then the costume department pick the best one and make sure nobody is clashing. They decide what you wear.”

Rachel explained she applied for the show in September 2018, auditioned in October and filmed her episode in December of that year.

But her episode did not air until October 2020.

Rachel also went into further details about filming The Chase in her comments.

One person asked: “When Bradley says ‘after the break’ did you just continue straight away?”

Rachel answered: “Yes – everything pauses for about 10 seconds and then we kept filming.”

She also explained that you only get to meet the Chaser you face off against, but there’s probably another two floating around backstage.

Even though she didn’t get to meet all the Chasers, Rachel was lucky enough to meet Lord Alan Sugar and some other celebrities because The Apprentice: You’re Fired was being filmed in the studio next door.

The student competed against Paul ‘The Sinnerman’ Sinha

And she told her TikTok followers that Bradley Walsh was very nice in person

Rachel unfortunately didn’t make it to the final round with her teammates