I’m an off-grid parent & I’ve taught my five-year-old to forage his own food… I have a major regret

A WOMAN who once prided herself on being an off-grid parent that taught her five-year-old son to forage has revealed she has a major regret.

Annalisa from Turin, Italy, became known when she appeared on Ben Fogle’s New Lives in the Wild in 2019 – but has since shocked viewers when he made a return visit.

I’m an off-grid parent & I’ve taught my five-year-old to forage his own food… I have a major regret
Annalisa appeared on Ben Fogle’s new show – Return to the Wild

I’m an off-grid parent & I’ve taught my five-year-old to forage his own food… I have a major regret
During the show, the 28-year-old revealed she had regrets, which shocked viewers

She welcomed the Brit broadcaster back to her home in Sweden for Return to the Wild, which aired on Channel 5 this week.

Prior to moving to the Scandinavian nation, Annalisa travelled the world at 19 and made a living by busking as she set out for a new life.

At the time, the mother-of-one lived on the street and relied on foraging and dumpster diving for food.

The Italian woman had dropped out of university and once referred to working as “slavery” but in the new episode she admitted she might have been a bit “naïve”.

Viewers were delighted to hear Annalisa now wanted to train as an electrician.

During the show, she told Ben she still relied on foraged foods and had taught her son the same skills.

Engaging in some DIY projects, the mum had also managed to connect a nearby well to her house to get running water and now has electricity in the house. 

She also hooked up a bike to an old washing machine that created a mechanism that allowed the machine to be powered by her pedalling.

The biggest shock, however, was the revelation she was no longer single.

Annalisa revealed to Ben she was now in a relationship with a man named Odin, who she met six months after the presenter’s last visit.

She said: “I don’t think it would have been so smooth to do all that we have done here if I had kept being alone.

“It’s much nicer to share a dream than going like a train, doing your dream by yourself, so I am super happy.

In Ben’s first visit, Annalisa claimed she had a hatred for the Italian educational system after dropping out at the age of 19.

But now, she said she had plans to go back to school to train as an electrician and regretted not getting a trade earlier.

Asked who would look after her son when she was in training, Annalisa said Nico would also possibly attend school.

She said: “Right now he’s going to kindergarten, three to four days a week, for four hours. 

“I don’t necessarily believe that the education system is the best thing, so if I find a nice school with the right calling to me, the kind of education I’d want him to have, than he should go to school, but we’ll see.”

In 2019, aged 24 at the time, Annalisa told Ben she did not want to work because it was “slavery”. 

She said: “I’m almost 30 now… I think I was a bit more naïve back then, but it was also like, I was still in the chase of trying to survive here with the baby. 

“Now that the child is older, I’ve had the opportunity to do more than keep pieces together, so I think my vision of what needs to be done or what I want to do in my life is broader than what it was before.”

Viewers were amazed to see how Annalisa’s life had turned out.

“Beautiful to see the peaceful, thrifty and contented life that Annalisa has built for herself and her family in Sweden now,” a social media user said.

“Annalisa is doing so well, raising an intelligent, well balanced little boy Nico – wishing her all the luck in the world for the future,” one added.

I’m an off-grid parent & I’ve taught my five-year-old to forage his own food… I have a major regret
She has since gone onto to build many successful DIY projects at her home
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