ITV Presenter Declines Britain's Got Talent Judging Role

ITV Presenter Declines Britain's Got Talent Judging Role

Davina McCall Refuses to Replace Amanda Holden on BGT Panel

A popular ITV presenter, Davina McCall, has rejected the idea of taking over a spot on the Britain's Got Talent judging panel. Despite filling in for Amanda Holden on her Heart Radio show, Davina made it clear that she would not step into Amanda's role on the reality show.

Exclusive Interview Insights

In an exclusive interview with the Sun TV Mag, Davina expressed her reluctance, stating, "It’s one thing stepping in for Amanda on Heart, but I couldn’t fill a seat on BGT. Amanda is on Heart every day, but BGT is massive. I couldn’t do it!"

Potential Panel Shake-Up

While there have been no official talks of replacing Amanda Holden, ITV producers are reportedly considering making changes to the judging panel. Bruno Tonioli, who has been on the show for two seasons, might be at risk of being axed due to scheduling conflicts with his role on Dancing With The Stars.

Uncertainty Surrounding Bruno's Future

An ITV insider revealed that discussions are ongoing about Bruno's future on the show, with considerations to potentially replace him. However, the final decision may rest with Simon Cowell, who could insist on keeping Bruno on the panel.

ITV Presenter Declines Britain's Got Talent Judging Role

For more details, check out the full interview with Davina in this week’s TV Mag, available for free every Saturday in The Celeb Report.

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