JEREMY Clarkson was left nursing a battered crotch in the latest painful encounter with one of his farm animals.
The 61-year-old was set upon by a cow called Genghis on his 1,000-acre Diddly Squat farm.
The Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? presenter said it twice booted hand Kaleb Cooper — one of the Clarkson’s Farm stars — before hitting Jeremy between the legs as they moved it into a barn.
He said: “Having failed to connect with her hoofs, she put her head between my legs and raised it smartly.
“I was on my knees in the mud with crossed eyes.
“This was the lowest point in my farming — on my knees in mud with smashed testicles.”
The Celeb Report writer has also been kicked by a sheep he was trying to shear and stung by some of his 250,000 bees at the farm in Chipping Norton, Oxon.
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