Josh Duggar demands to see government’s evidence in child pornography case and slams police’s ‘credibility’

JOSH Duggar is demanding to see the government’s evidence in his child pornography case, as he is slamming police’s “credibility.”

Josh, 33, was arrested and charged with possessing and receiving child pornography in April. 

Josh Duggar is demanding to see the government’s evidence in his child pornography case

Josh was arrested and charged with two counts of child pornography in April

In court papers exclusively obtained by The Celeb Report, Josh’s legal team filed a Motion to Compel requesting the government provide them with “an undated screen shot” and “all law enforcement reports and related discovery prepared by the Little Rock.”

The document read: “The Government disclosed to the defense a screen shot. However, the screen shot does not identify what it is a screen shot of and the Government has not provided any information concerning the ‘Summary’ or ‘Investigative Activity.’”

Josh’s team has “repeatedly attempted to obtain this unambiguously discoverable evidence,” but the Government has “refused to produce this evidence.”

They claim the government is also refusing to disclose to them police reports and related evidence from the Little Rock, Arkansas police department. 

The court papers read: “Government has responded to these discovery requests in a way that strongly suggests the discovery exists but the prosecution simply refuses to turn it over.”

Josh’s team claims he is “legally and constitutionally entitled to” the evidence, but  “the government has flat-out refused to produce it.”

They believe Josh’s computer forensics expert should have access to the data.

The 19 Kids and Counting star’s attorney then took aim at authorities, including Special Agent Faulkner, who spoke at Josh’s detention hearing.

The court papers claimed he omitted the “alleged investigative activities of two other law enforcement agencies” when testifying at the hearing under oath.

They believe the evidence shouldn’t be allowed and they question his “credibility.”

As The Celeb Report reported, Josh pleaded guilty to the two child pornography counts. 

Josh requested the court postpone his July trial date “in or after February 2022.”

Josh’s legal team called the case “complex,” as it involved a “several-year federal investigation” with allegations of the “dark web” and “peer-to-peer BitTorrent file-sharing networks,” both of which are common in the receiving of child pornography. 

The Government’s allegations against Jim Bob and Michelle’s son center around “computer forensic evidence and anticipated expert opinion testimony.”

The court papers claimed the defense has “retained an independent computer forensic expert who must conduct a computer forensic examination of each of the devices at issue—a time-consuming process that requires review at a government facility for the one device the Government alleges contained child pornography.”

The United States responded by agreeing to a three-month delay, but they explained anything additional is “unnecessary.” 

An Arkansas judge found the postponement “appropriate” and reset the jury trial for November 30, 2021.

According to court papers, the trial has the potential to last until December 3. 

The former 19 Kids and Counting star is currently on home confinement until his trial and is living with third party custodians LaCount and Maria Reber, who are longtime friends of Jim Bob and Michelle. 

Josh is residing in a massive mansion in Elkins, Arkansas with the Reber family. 

The Arkansas judge on the case ordered Josh to wear a GPS ankle monitor.

Josh’s wife Anna, who is pregnant with their seventh child, is standing by her husband and has visited him with their children. 

Josh has unlimited access to his children with Anna present.

The family’s reality show Counting On, which Josh has not appeared on, was canceled in light of the scandal.

The ex-reality star is on home confinement until his November trial

Josh pleaded not guilty to the charges

Josh’s pregnant wife Anna is standing by his side