CELEBRITY Big Brother star Kim Woodburn has opened up about about her trip to hospital, telling fans defiantly: “I refuse to die, dear.”
The 80-year-old star worried fans when she posted a picture in a surgical gown yesterday.

But, appearing on Instagram today with a large swab over her throat, Kim explained the dramatic operation she’d just had.
Sitting beside a large glass of gin, she said: “Hello, my loves. Thank you for all your good messages.
“I had a disc behind the ear that was fractured or something, broken. The specialist had to go in, he cut a big hole in my throat here.
“He somehow went in with his fingers and took out the rotten disc and put a titanium disc in.
More on Kim Woodburn
“I’m getting use back in my fingers because it was killing all the use in my fingers. That was the reason he did it.
“If I went to my legs, I wouldn’t be able to walk. I think it’s quite good you know. So thanks for all the messages but I’m not dying my lovely. I refuse to die, dear.
“Messages from all over the world have been coming in. Thanks my loves, I don’t half appreciate you. Excuse me while I have a gin. Lovely.”
Yesterday, she posted on Instagram in a hospital gown and with a cardboard bowl on his head.
The star wrote: “My hospital outfit. Do you like the hat? Home tonight! Yippeee!”
Kim rose to fame in the 2003 thanks to her cleaning show How Clean is Your House with Aggie MacKenzie.
In 2017 Kim took part in Celebrity Big Brother, enlivening the series with her brutal outbursts including branding her co-stars “chicken-livered s***s”.