Lisa Riley Pays Emotional Tribute to Late Strictly Come Dancing Star Robin Windsor

Lisa Riley Pays Emotional Tribute to Late Strictly Come Dancing Star Robin Windsor

Lisa Riley Honors Her "Bestie" Robin Windsor at British LGBT Awards

Lisa Riley delivered a heart-wrenching tribute to her late friend, Robin Windsor, at the 2024 British LGBT Awards in London. The Emmerdale actress fondly remembered Robin, who passed away in February at the age of 44, leaving the audience in tears with her touching words.

Remembering Robin's Energy and Vibrancy

Describing Robin as a shining presence who lit up any room he walked into, Lisa Riley reflected on their time together on Strictly Come Dancing back in 2012. She expressed how Robin's energy and zest for life had left a lasting imprint on her heart, wishing he could be there to share the moment with her.

A Posthumous Award for Robin's Contributions

Robin Windsor was posthumously honored at the event for his services in entertainment and his support for mental health. Lisa Riley highlighted his work with the mental health charity Sane, emphasizing his impact on those around him and the dance world at large.

A Lasting Legacy and Final Farewell

Following Robin's passing, Lisa Riley shared a heartfelt social media post expressing her love for her "forever Angel" and paying tribute to their cherished friendship. She attended his funeral in March to bid her final farewells, amidst a challenging time that also saw the loss of her aunt.

Lisa Riley Pays Emotional Tribute to Late Strictly Come Dancing Star Robin Windsor

A Fond Remembrance of Robin's Spirit

Robin Windsor's agent and colleagues also shared their heartfelt tributes, recalling his passion, talent, and infectious energy. Describing him as a proud advocate for mental health and a beloved figure in the dance world, they emphasized the lasting impact of his presence and his vibrant spirit.

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