Loose Women's Biggest Bust-Ups – From Ruth Langsford Snapping at Schofield to Row That Sparked Ofcom Uproar

Loose Women's Biggest Bust-Ups – From Ruth Langsford Snapping at Schofield to Row That Sparked Ofcom Uproar

ITV's popular daytime programme, Loose Women, is known for its reasoned debates; however, there have been moments of chaos and bust-ups on the panel show. Let's take a look at some of the most significant bust-ups witnessed on Loose Women.

Phillip vs. Ruth

In April 2019, tension rose between Ruth Langsford and Phillip Schofield during a live crossover from This Morning to the Loose Women studio. With time running short, Phillip cut off Ruth mid-sentence, leaving her furious. The uncomfortable scene caught the attention of many shocked viewers, who took to social media to express their disbelief.

The 'Goth Baby' Row

An episode aired in December 2020 caused a stir when Katie Piper and Rebecca Hardy shared differing opinions on a TikTok video featuring a gothic-themed baby nursery. Katie expressed her dislike for the interior, and her comments sparked a backlash among viewers. In fact, 69 people complained to the TV regulator, Ofcom, followed by an additional 87 viewers.

Saira Khan's Exit

Famous for her passionate debates on the show, Saira Khan made headlines when she quit Loose Women in 2021, slamming ITV in the process. Expressing her frustration with being typecast as the 'loud, gobby one,' Saira felt that she had nothing more to contribute to the program. One of her most memorable moments occurred when she demanded an apology from Dominic Cummings during the show's discussion about his controversial actions.

Loose Women's Biggest Bust-Ups – From Ruth Langsford Snapping at Schofield to Row That Sparked Ofcom Uproar

Coleen vs. Kim

A row between Coleen Nolan and Kim Woodburn generated numerous complaints from viewers. The two clashed following their time on Celebrity Big Brother in 2017. The confrontation turned emotional when Kim revealed that her childhood experiences of bullying affected her time in the house. Coleen's unsympathetic response sparked outrage among viewers.

Covid Clash

Denise Welch caused a stir on Loose Women when she engaged in a passionate debate about coronavirus rules. The star clashed with co-star Gloria Hunniford, arguing that the restrictions needed to end. This particular bust-up came after Denise was unable to travel with her father in an ambulance while fans crowded the streets after an England football match. The heated discussion about the necessity of restrictions divided opinions.