Loose Women’s Carol McGiffin Reveals Past 'Dining and Dashing' Incident

Loose Women’s Carol McGiffin Reveals Past 'Dining and Dashing' Incident

Carol McGiffin's Confession

Loose Women's Carol McGiffin has opened up about a youthful escapade involving 'dining and dashing' during a visit to Pizza Hut.

A Blast from the Past

Carol, now 64, shared a story from the 80s where she and her sister unintentionally left the fast-food chain without settling the bill.

Changing Perspectives

While Carol described the incident as "hilarious and quite exhilarating" at the time, she now views such actions as a premeditated scheme.

Parting Ways

The presenter officially departed from the ITV show last summer amid a contract dispute, expressing no regrets about leaving.

Loose Women’s Carol McGiffin Reveals Past 'Dining and Dashing' Incident

Current Endeavors

Carol continues to engage with her audience through a podcast, 'What’s Your Problem With Nick Abbot and Carol McGiffin?', available on various platforms.

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