New bombshells in the Hideaway
In a Love Island first, new bombshells Sammy Root and Danielle invite two Islanders for a sleepover in the Hideaway. Danielle picks Curtis to join her, leaving Ekin-Su heartbroken.
Hideaway drama unfolds
After a night in the Hideaway, Curtis makes it clear he is 'closed off' despite hitting it off with Danielle. Ekin-Su is left fuming, leading to tears and heartbreak.
Where do Curtis and Ekin-Su stand?
Despite reassuring Ekin-Su, Curtis admits he plans to keep talking to Danielle, leaving the situation uncertain. Ekin-Su feels vulnerable and hurt by the turn of events.
Danielle's intentions and past experience
Before entering the villa, Danielle reveals her top three interests are Scott, Luca, and Curtis. She acknowledges potential frostiness with Ekin-Su and expresses confidence in pursuing what she wants.