Love Island’s Jake accused of ‘gaslighting’ Liberty with ‘love-bomb’ as she has doubts about their relationship

LOVE Island’s Jake Cornish has been accused by show fans of gaslighting Liberty Poole with a “love-bomb”.

Cracks had been beginning to appear in their relationship last week after Liberty began to express doubts about Jake’s feelings towards her.

Love Island fans say Liberty Poole has been gaslighted by Jake Cornish

Jake told Liberty ‘I love you’ last night after she raised concerns over their relationship

The romance between the pair – who have been coupled up for the entirety of the series so far – appeared to cool following the Mad Movies challenge, when she was shown a clip of Jake telling the other boys he “doesn’t want to rip her clothes off”.

However Friday’s episode saw Jake tell Liberty: “I love you.”

He made the statement after it was revealed they had been voted as having the most one-sided relationship in the villa by the public.

And fans took to Twitter and insisted his declaration of love wasn’t genuine.

One said: “I feel for liberty because she cannot see that Jake is legit playing the game. One minute he said he didn’t want to say I love you but at the end of the convo he said it, it’s almost gaslighting”

Another wrote: “He’s blasting you words and no actions, then gaslighting you as if your past feelings and trauma are the reasonings for you feeling like this, when it’s HIM giving you all the reasons to feel like this”

Another said: “On #LoveIsland I’ve noticed that Jake’s “nice guy” mask is slipping. Liberty is the most wholesome, beautiful, honest, and loyal person. Jake is gaslighting her, showing aggression, feeding her insecurities and trying to control her.”

Earlier in the programme, Liberty told Jake: “I haven’t really spoken to you today. What’s going on?

“I do feel like since the whole rip the clothes off comment, I’ve been noticing a lot of similar things that have accumulated.

“We haven’t been spending a lot of time together recently.”

Jake told her: “I don’t know what more I can say. You are my girlfriend. You are part of me.”

Speaking in the Beach Hut, Liberty added: “He hasn’t given me a reason not to trust him so why am I letting trust issues from the past affect that?”

However the episode ended by teasing an upcoming clip of the girls questioning whether Jake is genuinely interested in Liberty.

The relationship between Liam Reardon and Millie Court appeared to be growing during Friday’s episode.

Liam told Millie: “I already feel like I’ve fallen.”

She replied: “You feel like you’ve fallen? I feel like that as well.

“I look at you and feel a certain way. I want to say certain things.”

Liam said: “It’s on the tip of my tongue but I feel like I shouldn’t say certain things yet.”