PHILLIP Schofield was branded “tasteless” after making a joke about Viagra helping Alzheimer’s sufferers on This Morning.
The 59-year-old was discussing the latest heath news on today’s show with GP Dr Nighat Arif when he made the quip which was ignored by the medic.

Discussing how the pill could potentially help those with Alzheimer’s, Phil joked: “So they could remember they’ve left the door open but can’t get close enough to close it.”
The comment was then ignored by Dr Arif who continued on discussing the possible benefits.
Viewers were left unimpressed by the quip and branded it “insensitive” on Twitter – while some found it funny.
One angered viewer penned: “Now mocking Alzheimer’s…the bloke is an absolute fool! And that’s me being polite!”
“As someone who’s mother had dementia I wasn’t impressed,” another shared. “Any drug breakthrough for that horrendous disease is welcome.”
A third posted: “I usually like you, but I just saw you make a joke about Viagra having a potential cure on Alzheimer’s ‘so you can remember to answer the door, but can’t get close enough to open it’. Please don’t joke insensitively!”
Despite the outrage, some saw the funny side to the quip: “She swerved that cheeky joke nicely then Phil!”.
Elsewhere, fans were in shock as host Phillip posed a surprise question to Matt Hancock on yesterday’s show.
Viewers were left open-mouthed by the presenter’s ‘savage’ dig at the former health secretary.
The MP was there to chat about his plans to introduce a dyslexia screening bill, which will call for universal checks on all primary school children.
Matt, 43 – who a few months ago was exposed by The Celeb Report for cheating on his wife with a colleague – was seen bonding with Holly Willoughby over their shared dyslexia challenges.
But as the Tory politician described the importance of the bill and his own struggles with dyslexia, Phil pointedly asked: “Was it your dyslexia that made you misread the social distancing rules?”
To which Matt awkwardly replied: “No, I can’t blame that on dyslexia or anything else.
“In fact, I’m not asking for any special favours or anything because I’m dyslexic and in politics I’ve got some things to offer.”
He went on: “In that case, it was a mistake and I’ve apologised for it and it was a failure of leadership because I came on shows like this and asked people to do this and I didn’t follow rules myself.”
In June, The Celeb Report exclusively revealed the politician had been having a secret affair with his closest aide.
He cheated on his wife with Gina Coladangelo, 43, who he hired last year with taxpayers’ money, as Covid gripped Britain and his infamous clinch with her in his office breached Government rules on contact with others.