Piers Morgan mocks Susanna Reid’s ‘phallic’ face mask as he apologises again for breaking Coronavirus rules

PIERS Morgan mocked Susanna Reid’s “phallic” face mask on today’s GMB as he once again apologised for breaking Coronavirus rules over the weekend.

The 55-year-old tackled his rule-flouting head on at the head of the show, admitting he had “no excuses” and “can only apologise”.

Piers Morgan addressed his Coronavirus rule-breaking over the weekend

Piers was pictured leaving a London restaurant on Saturday night with wife Celia Walden and climbing into the back a cab without wearing a mask.

This morning he pulled on a mask emblazoned with the title of his book “Wake Up” while Susanna Reid, who has been nicknamed ‘shouty’, put on a pink mask with a finger being raised to red lips.

Piers couldn’t help himself and joked: “I don’t think you should be wearing that. That looks a little phallic to me.”

Susanna insisted: “It’s a finger!”

Explaining his taxi gaffe, he said: “I came out of a very nice dinner in Mayfair with my wife. If only she’d reminded me to put mine on.

Susanna Reid’s mask looked ‘phallic’ to Piers

He pulled on a Wake Up mask

“I had a friendly chat with the paparazzi. I bounded into the taxi after being distracted, and they descended like a pack, lit up the cab with flashbulbs, it was only as I pulled away I realised I had forgotten to put my mask on.

“Celia went ‘oh it doesn’t matter no one cares.’ No excuses. It’s a fair cop, guv. It was too late and I was nailed. I can only apologise.

“I do think masks matter, and I do think you should abide my the rules.”

Yesterday Piers owned up to breaking rules on Twitter and branded himself a “Covidiot”, after we published pictures of him maskless.

Piers Morgan has called himself a ‘Covidiot’ for forgetting to wear a mask

Writing on the platform, he said: “No, The Celeb Report was right. I did breach covid rules for a few seconds by forgetting to put my mask on before I got in the cab.

“Fortunately, I remembered as we pulled away & put it on. Masks help save lives, so it’s very important we all remember to wear them when we should.”

The no-nonsense former newspaper editor held his hands up as he responded to fan questions on social media.

He continued: “I haven’t made an excuse, I just explained what happened. I’m guilty as charged. For a few seconds, I was a Covidiot & I deserve the full wrath of Twitter hell to now descend on me.”

Piers admitted his error on social media today

He said he has no excuses

Piers said it was a ‘few seconds of forgetfulness’

The journalist and broadcaster has been one of the nation’s biggest critics of the Government’s handling of the deadly virus, and regularly berates “Covidiots” on Twitter for refusing to follow guidelines.

But he was pictured getting into a black cab after a night out at Harry’s Bar in London.

While Celia accessorised her chic outfit with a patterned protective face covering, Piers sat beside her with both his mouth and nose exposed.

The host has his legs crossed as he settled in for the ride, holding his mobile phone in his hands.

Rules on the official gov website state: “You must wear a face covering when using taxis or private hire vehicles.

Piers enjoyed a night out with wife Celia

While she wore a mask in the cab, Piers didn’t appear to

The presenter has been incredibly outspoken against those who don’t follow Government rules amid the pandemic

“You will be breaking the law if you fail to do so and could be fined. A taxi driver or private hire vehicle operator will be entitled to refuse to accept you if you do not wear a face covering.”

Piers has had many explosive run-ins with Government ministers on ITV’s Good Morning Britain due to their handling of the ongoing pandemic, and also berates social media followers for not following guidelines.

The star has previously worn a mask – and berated others for not doing the same

He regularly clashes with son Spencer over their differing views on Covid

Piers also recently blasted Rita Ora for breaking lockdown rules after the singer hosted her 30th birthday party  at Notting Hill restaurant Casa Cruz last month.

Appalled by Rita’s decision to hold a party for 30 people outside her social bubble, Piers weighed in: “These celebs, I’ll do what I want and no one else matters, I don’t get it…

“What’s the restaurant doing allowing all those people in?”

He branded the star “selfish” as he lashed out at her public apology – insisting that she was “only sorry she got caught”.

Last week, he furiously branded one fan a “village idiot” for claiming that Bill Gates was paying him to promote the vaccine.

He has also had public altercations with his oldest son Spencer, 27, who regularly slams the Government’s rules and has insisted that only vulnerable people should be forced to follow lockdown.


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