Piers Morgan reveals the first application for his GMB job came in just 17 minutes after he’d quit

PIERS Morgan has revealed it took just 17 minutes for someone to apply for his Good Morning Britain job after he quit.

The 55-year-old declared that the TV industry was “full of fakes” who would be happy to “dance on his grave” as he revealed the truth about his shock departure. 

Piers Morgan revealed it took just 17 minutes for someone to apply for his GMB job

Earlier this month, Piers was forced out of Good Morning Britain for saying he did not believe a word that the Duchess of Sussex said in her Oprah Winfrey interview.

He had stormed off set after an on-air row with weatherman Alex Beresford, 40.

On reflection, Piers said he regretted leaving the studio and had only done so to prevent him saying something he shouldn’t.

And it seems other presenters wasted no time in trying to get his job.

Piers stormed off after a row with Alex Beresford

Writing in an explosive column for the Mail On Sunday, Piers wrote: “Kevin (Lygo) revealed it took precisely 17 minutes for the first application for my GMB job to arrive after the announcement I’d left, which we both found highly amusing.

“I’m only surprised it took that long; television is full of happy smiley fakes who pretend to be your biggest fan to your face but who’d dance the tango on your grave if they thought it would get them more airtime.”

Piers added that the TV exec has asked him to continue working for ITV and he plans to keep doing Life Stories. 

The star has confirmed he will continue to work for ITV

Elsewhere in his column, Piers revealed he had received lovely messages from all his co-stars – apart from Alex Beresford.

He wrote: “I’ve had nice messages from all the other GMB presenters, apart from Alex Beresford, and many of the wonderful production team, from camera operators and producers to make-up artists.

“Some really moved me.”