Piers Morgan starts row as he says Susanna Reid is ‘overweight’ like him

PIERS Morgan has sparked a fat-shame row with GMB co-host Susanna Reid — saying she’s never been heavier.

Piers, 55, admitted he too is at his biggest, and needs to battle back from the brink of obesity.

Piers Morgan says Susanna Reid is overweight like him

Susanna has not yet responded to Piers’ comments

He bemoaned his lockdown weight gain in a podcast saying: “Susanna and I, we’ve never been heavier.

“I’m about 16 stone, 6ft 1in and hovering on that body mass index (BMI) classed as obesity. I don’t want to get there. I want to get down below 100 kilos (15st 10lb).”

The TV pair have mocked each other’s weight in the past, though Susanna, 50, may not take kindly to Piers’ latest comments.

A source said: “It’s essentially fat-shaming. Susanna can take a joke but maybe this is a bit too far.”

She has previously called him a “fat person” and “chubster” in their breakfast show.

Piers joked: “I will be reporting Susanna to HR for fat-shaming me in the workplace.”

She also jibed him over a McDonald’s trip, with Piers replying: “Thank you, again, for fat-shaming me.”

A healthy weight for his height and age is ten stone to 13st 7lb.

The NHS BMI calculator suggests he is at risk of Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Piers told The Mid-Point podcast he aims to beat the bulge via his exercise bike, and less bread and red wine.

He admitted: “It is not going to be easy.”

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