Sky News Pulled Off Air Due to Technical Issues

Sky News Pulled Off Air Due to Technical Issues

Sky News Faces Technical Blunder

Sky News experienced a major setback as technical issues disrupted their breakfast programme, causing the channel to be pulled off air unexpectedly. The 24-hour rolling news channel was hit by a series of glitches during their morning broadcast.

Apology Message on Air

Viewers were met with an error message on screen just after 6:45 am, informing them of the disruption to the broadcast. The message assured viewers that the transmission of Sky News would be restored shortly.

Behind the Scenes Chaos

Anchor Gareth Barlow and Friday presenter Anna Jones were ready to host Sky News Breakfast at 6 am, but the show never aired. Instead, a pre-recorded film was shown until the error message appeared at 6:45 am, indicating technical difficulties.

Global Technology Outage Impact

The technical issues at Sky News are believed to be part of a larger global technology outage affecting various industries, from airlines to banks. Microsoft cloud services experiencing downtime have caused widespread computer crashes, disrupting operations for major businesses and news networks.

Sky News Pulled Off Air Due to Technical Issues

As Sky News works to resolve the technical problems, viewers and employees alike are left waiting for the channel to return to normal broadcasting.

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