Southern Charm star Kathryn Dennis’ two children ‘soaring’ in ex Thomas Ravenel’s care after she loses custody

SOUTHERN Charm star Kathryn Dennis’ two children are “soaring” in her baby daddy Thomas Ravenel’s care after she lost custody. 

In February, Kathryn, 29, temporarily lost custody of their children Kensington, 7, and Saint, 5, as she now has supervised visitation during the day every other weekend. 

Kathryn Dennis lost custody of Kensie, 6, and Saint, 4, in February

The children are ‘soaring’ in their dad Thomas Ravenel’s care

The children have had a ‘marked improvement’

The Celeb Report can exclusively reveal there has been a “marked improvement” since the children have been with Thomas, 58, full time. 

A source told The Celeb Report: “In Kensie’s latest report card, her teacher wrote that ‘Kensie is starting to SOAR academically. Her reading is taking off and she rarely needs assistance in math.’”  

As for Saint, the insider said: “The school administrator remarked on Saint’s recent stark behavioral improvement.” 

A source previously told The Celeb Report that Thomas plans to move to Aiken, South Carolina with the children this summer, as he proposed his plan to the judge when requesting full custody. 

Kathryn has supervised day visitation every other weekend

Thomas filed for sole custody of the kids and requested Kathryn have supervised visitation on October 23, 2020. 

In South Carolina court records obtained by The Celeb Report, Thomas claimed a mutual friend told him about a recent trip he took to North Carolina with Kathryn, her boyfriend Chleb Ravenell, Kensie, Saint and others. 

Thomas claimed the friend said: “He informed me that he witnessed a lot of cocaine use during this trip and that Kathryn had left cocaine within grasp of the children, which he thought was dangerous.”

Kathryn alleged in her court response: “I do not use cocaine so naturally I have not left any out for our children to access.”

Kathryn denies Thomas’ cocaine allegations

Thomas continued that Kathryn has failed to get the children to school on time.

Kathryn admitted in her filing that her daughter has been late to school four times this year and three of those tardies were during her visitation period. 

He said the children come to him from their mother’s home allegedly “filthy and unkempt,” according to the court documents.

He claimed: “When the children are picked up after their week with Kathryn, they are filthy, their hair is matted, they smell and they are unusually tired and irritable. 

Thomas claimed the children are ‘filthy and unkempt’ when they return from her care

Thomas claimed they are ‘routinely returned without shoes’

“During the summer they were routinely returned without shoes. Saint is regularly returned wearing clothes that are so small on him, they leave marks on his skin.”

Kathryn responded to the claim: “This is untrue. My children are always well dressed and clean when in my care and I am often complimented on how cute they look.” 

Also in the court papers, Thomas claimed Saint was “formerly diagnosed with [Fetal Alcohol Syndrome] due to Kathryn’s excessive drug and alcohol consumption while he was in utero.” 

Thomas claimed their son took “speech and occupational therapy for years to help combat his delays, but he is still falling behind at school.”

Thomas claimed Saint was diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

In an effort to help Saint catch up to his peers, his teacher created two folders labeled “Mom” and “Dad” containing worksheets for him to complete daily, Thomas’ court filing alleges.  

Thomas claimed the folder labeled “Mom” has “never been touched.”

Kathryn did not address Thomas’ claims that their son was formally diagnosed with FAS or that she did not help him complete the school worksheets in her court response.

Kathryn did not respond to The Celeb Report’s previous request for comment regarding the FAS claims. However, she has generally denied Thomas’ claims of substance abuse in the past.

Thomas claimed Kathryn left the children home alone on multiple occasions, which she denied

Thomas went on to claim that he hired a man to conduct surveillance on her, as he witnessed the Southern Charm star leaving the children home alone unsupervised “on multiple occasions,” noting one time in July at 1:48am, in August at 3:17am and others, according to court papers.

Thomas wrote in the court papers of one alleged instance: “During the time Kathryn was gone, Kensie and Saint are seen alone in front of the house. THIS IS TERRIFYING.”

Kathryn responded in her court filing that it is “untrue” she left the children in the home alone. 

Thomas said he found a private school in Aiken, South Carolina willing to take both students beginning with the 2021-2022 academic school year. 

Thomas wants to enroll the children in a school in Aiken, South Carolina

He believes it is in the children’s best interests to move with the minor children to Aiken, South Carolina, as he can maintain a “safe, stable and secure environment” for them. 

He explained how he has “never wanted to deprive Kensie and Saint ample time with their mother” and that Kathryn “loves” their children. 

He continued: “But I have been terrified for years that they continue to be put in harm’s way every time they are in her care.”

Thomas continued in the court documents: “Kathryn cannot be allowed to play Russian Roulette with our children’s lives. 

Thomas is ‘terrified’ of the children being in her care

“Unless the Court intervenes to protect Kensie and Saint, it is not a matter of ‘if,’ it is a matter of ‘when’ until something devastating happens to them while under Kathryn’s care.”

Kathryn lost full custody of the children in 2016 and entered rehab after she tested positive for marijuana. 

In 2018, she filed for primary custody of the kids after Thomas was arrested and charged with assault and battery in the second degree. 

The couple’s former nanny, Dawn, accused him of sexual assault in 2018.

Thomas was accused of sexual assault in 2019, which he denied

Before the recent custody war, the exes were on good terms

Thomas pleaded guilty to third-degree assault and battery charges. He received a 30-day suspended sentence and was ordered to pay a $500 fine. 

Thomas said at the time: “While I reiterate that I have never intentionally sexually assaulted anyone, I also acknowledge that by making an unwelcome advance to Dawn in my home, while she was babysitting my daughter, I behaved improperly and caused her immediate and lasting emotional distress. I unqualifiedly apologize for having done so.”

Thomas was fired from Southern Charm before season six. 

In 2019, the exes agreed to share joint legal and physical custody of their children with Thomas “being the primary custodian.”

As for Kathryn, she has continued to post photos with her children. 

Earlier this week, she captioned a bikini photo: “Be proud of your stretch marks!! I hope I get more one day. #ProudMommy #iamnotashamed.”

Kathryn recently called herself a ‘proud mommy’

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