Looking for hints
Eager fans of Stranger Things have been on the lookout for clues about the highly anticipated fifth season of the popular horror show. And it seems like they may have found something...
A chilling surprise
Netflix recently released a spine-tingling teaser, packed with hints and clues for season 5. The video shows rubble at the Starcourt Mall, where characters Robin and Steve worked at Scoops Ahoy. Among the debris, fans spotted the white board that Robin sarcastically scribbled on and the sign for the ice cream shop, creating a marine theme. But there was something even more bone-chilling...
Cracking the code
Sharp-eyed fans quickly noticed something odd about the sign for Scoops Ahoy. The flashing lights seemed to be forming a pattern, reminiscent of Morse code. This raised an important question: was there a hidden message?
The message revealed
As fans delved into the mysterious Morse code, theories began to emerge. One fan suggested that the lights were spelling out the word "RUN." It was an exciting and chilling discovery for Stranger Things enthusiasts.

A chilling twist
However, not everything is as it seems. The official Stranger Things account threw a curveball by hinting that the teaser may not be about season 5. In response to an excited fan mentioning the teaser, the account slyly commented, "Boy do I have good news for you." It looks like there might be more surprises in store!
So, did you spot the bone-chilling clue hidden in the Netflix teaser? And what do you think it means?
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