Controversial Comment Sparks Backlash
Former Strictly star James Jordan faced backlash from fans after making a comment deemed 'sexist' about his wife, Ola. The 46-year-old professional dancer and Ola, 41, have been a couple since 2003.
James Jordan Responds to Criticism
On Saturday, James took to social media to express frustration about his wife's ironing skills, asking for recommendations for an ironing service in the West Malling area. Some fans criticized his remarks, prompting James to clarify that he does his own ironing but dislikes it, and that they are seeking a replacement for their retired help.
Equality Statement from James
In response to the criticism, James emphasized that they were specifically looking for a female ironing service provider to support gender equality, despite acknowledging that men might be better at the task.
Previous Controversy and Weight Loss Journey
Earlier this year, James faced backlash for sharing a postpartum photo of Ola showcasing her significant weight loss. The couple, who previously released a diet and exercise plan, have both achieved their desired weights by improving their diet and reigniting their passion for dancing.

James shared, "We spent our whole lives looking our best when we were dancing, so we were like: ‘Let’s start dancing again.’ It was about going back to what we know."