Stu Carpenter's Plan Goes Awry in Coronation Street

Stu Carpenter's Plan Goes Awry in Coronation Street

Grandfather's Offer Backfires

Dom Everett couldn't resist Stu Carpenter's proposition to pay him off in exchange for staying away from Eliza Woodrow, his own daughter. But unfortunately for Dom, his plan has completely backfired as Eliza is now struggling with the consequences.

Desperate to Be a Part of Eliza's Life

Stu Carpenter, played by Bill Fellows, has been longing to be a part of his granddaughter Eliza's life ever since they first met last year. Eliza's mother, Bridget, was imprisoned for the murder of Charlie Walters, leading Stu to take in the young girl.

A Father-Daughter Reunion

However, Eliza soon became curious about her father, Dom Everett, and managed to track him down online. The pair rekindled their relationship, leaving Stu devastated when Eliza expressed her desire to live with Dom.

A Drastic Plan

Refusing to let go of his granddaughter, Stu hatched a plan. He knew that Dom could be tempted with money, so he offered to pay him off as long as he stayed away from Eliza. Dom agreed, and Eliza was left in silence.

Stu Carpenter's Plan Goes Awry in Coronation Street

Eliza's Heartache

Eliza, hurt by her father's absence, is seen in the café, isolating herself with her earpods in and refusing to engage with anyone. Yasmeen and Alya Nazir, concerned for her well-being, remember how upset she was when Dom failed to show up for Christmas.

Guilt and Confession

Stu, consumed with guilt, calls Dom and leaves a message, expressing his concern for Eliza's unhappiness and admitting his mistake. He later confesses to Yasmeen that he paid Dom £10k to stay away from Eliza, believing it was in her best interests.

Yasmeen's Disbelief

Yasmeen, who has dealt with her own share of deception and abuse, is horrified by Stu's actions. She confides in Roy Cropper about Stu's duplicity, revealing that she has once again fallen for a man who lies to her.

A Change of Heart

Stu decides that Eliza should know the truth, but Yasmeen has a change of heart. She believes it would be best for Eliza if Stu doesn't confess to his actions, as she fears it would hurt Eliza to know the truth about her own family.

Stu Carpenter's Plan Goes Awry in Coronation Street

What's Next for Stu?

As Stu grapples with his guilt and the consequences of his actions, viewers are left wondering what he will ultimately decide to do. Will he confess to Eliza or keep his secret hidden?

Coronation Street airs every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8pm on ITV.

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