Take Care of Maya viewers break down in tears as family torn apart in harrowing Netfllx documentary

TAKE Care of Maya viewers have broken down in tears over the harrowing Netflix documentary.

The streaming giant has released a brand new series which tells the story of one mother’s battled to be reunited with her daughter.

Take Care of Maya viewers break down in tears as family torn apart in harrowing Netfllx documentary
Take Care of Maya viewers have broken down in tears over the harrowing Netflix documentary

Take Care of Maya viewers break down in tears as family torn apart in harrowing Netfllx documentary
Medics believed Maya was displaying symptoms that were deliberately caused by her mother making her sick

Maya Kowalski is at the centre of the new show when she’s rushed to hospital in agony by her worried parents.

However, in a shocking twist, she was held in hospital for three months by a state order and banned from seeing her mum and dad.

Medics believed Maya was displaying symptoms that were deliberately caused by her mother making her sick.

One doctor diagnosed Maya with Munchausen syndrome by proxy – which is a mental illness where a mother typically makes up or causes real symptoms to make their child look sick.

However, her mother Beata wasn’t poising her daughter and it was later discovered Maya was suffering with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.

It’s used to describe chronic and prolonged pain that’s caused by inflammation following an injury.

The heartbreaking and traumatic story of the Kowalski family has left viewers in floods of tears.

Posting on social media, one fan said: “The world has too much control… There is no hope for humanity… The tears don’t even compare to the rage I feel after watching this.”

A second wrote: “Oh my why did I bawl out in tears like that ah! This was so heartbreaking, people should be on the streets on 11th of September.”

“Tears streaming down my face, I just had to hit pause on #TakeCareOfMaya I see what people have been talking about. This woman literally gave her life to save her child,” said a third.

While a fourth commented: “#TakeCareOfMaya absolutely heartbreaking. I was in tears throughout. I hope this family get the justice they deserve.”

Take Care of Maya viewers break down in tears as family torn apart in harrowing Netfllx documentary
One doctor diagnosed Maya with Munchausen syndrome by proxy – which is a mental illness where a mother typically makes up or causes real symptoms to make their child look sick

Take Care of Maya viewers break down in tears as family torn apart in harrowing Netfllx documentary
The heartbreaking and traumatic story of the Kowalski family has left viewers in floods of tears
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