Teen Mom Catelynn Lowell wants to show daughter Carly the episode where she gave her up for adoption when child is older

CATELYNN Lowell wants to show her daughter Carly the 16 & Pregnant episode where she got put up for adoption.

The Teen Mom star, 28, was just 17 when she gave birth to Carly and decided not to parent the child herself.

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Catelynn Lowell wants to show her daughter Carly the episode where she got put up for adoption

Catelynn has had two more children since with her now-husband Tyler Baltierra and previously said she remains in regular contact with Carly, now 11.

The MTV star said she has never seen the 2009 episode where she and Tyler decide to go for adoption in the first season of 16 & Pregnant.

She said she’d like to watch it with Carly when the child is older.

“When I am older and Carly is in her 20s or 30s, I’m blessed to be able to have a copy of my 16 and Pregnant episode that I can show her to,” she told ET Online.

She was 17 when she put Carly up for adoption

She wants to watch the 2009 episode with Carly, now, 11, when the child is older

Catelynn went on: “I mean, right there is like, I don’t even have to say too much. We can watch it.

“Then I can answer questions that she has because it was so 100 percent real.”

Carly has gone on to have a private life with her adoptive parents Brandon and Teresa Davis.

Last month, the Teen Mom star admitted she and Tyler haven’t seen Carly in more than a year because of the Covid pandemic.

She admitted they haven’t seen Carly, who lives with her adoptive parents, for a year

She and Tyler have two daughters, Novalee and Vaeda

She told In Touch Weekly: “[She and Tyler] didn’t see [Carly] [in 2020] at all because of the pandemic.

“Like nobody was, you know, flying anywhere, going anywhere. So yeah. That never happened. That didn’t happen this year.”

However, they have been able to stay in contact through technology as the reality TV star explained: “We’ve done a FaceTime, like Novalee and [Carly] FaceTimed.

“But yeah, like visit-wise, it’s just kind of up in the air until things calm down or people are vaccinated.”

Catelynn is currently pregnant with her fourth child

It comes just weeks after she and Tyler said that they don’t regret putting her up for adoption.

Catelynn told E! News: “I think sometimes we think about how weird it would be to have an 11-year-old right now.

“That would be crazy. We know that we made the right decision. We don’t ever second guess that decision at all.”

She added of how the adoption impacted her relationship with her husband, Tyler, 29: “Honestly, we both really do agree that if we would have parented her at the age of 17 – with everything that we went through as fiancés, as boyfriend and girlfriend, as married people together – we don’t really think honestly that we would be together.”

She and Tyler are expecting a baby girl in September

She added: “If you throw a child in the mix, mental health stuff, addiction stuff, relationship stuff, it makes it 20 times harder so we never regret that decision at all because we just look at what she has now and we know we did the right thing.”

Catelynn and Tyler are parents to daughters Novalee, six, and Vaeda, one.

The reality star is currently pregnant and expecting a baby girl with Tyler in September after suffering two miscarriages.

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