Teen Mom Kailyn Lowry and Vee Rivera slammed for ‘fake apologies’ as they backtrack after making jokes about Covid

KAILYN Lowry and Vee Rivera have been accused of making “fake” apologies after they joked about Covid.

The Teen Mom 2 stars sparked outrage after saying that they had “cooties” and were “Covid queens” while they were battling the virus.

Kailyn Lowry and Vee Rivera have been accused of making ‘fake’ apologies after they joked about Covid

They sparked outrage after joking that they had ‘cooties’ and were ‘Covid’ queens

Kailyn and Vee were branded “disgusting” for the comments they made in their Baby Mamas No Drama podcast last week.

They apologized for their behavior at the end of this week’s episode – a move that listeners branded “insincere”.

Kailyn, 29, said: “We are incredibly sorry for last week’s episode, we definitely didn’t mean to offend anybody.

“I think we were just trying to make light of what we personally were going through.”


“What is the saying, you have to laugh so you don’t cry? We obviously know that so many people have been affected by Covid and it was never our intention to affect anyone.”

Vee added: “We never intended to downplay the severity of Covid or anything like that.

“[The podcast] is just a place where we come to take a break from the world for an hour and we chat as girlfriends.

“But if you were offended we’re deeply sorry. Our hearts go out to all of you and if you guys are going through anything or if your lives were affected by the pandemic, we’re truly sorry.”

Critics flocked to social media to express their dismay at the apology.

One wrote: “Only apologizing because folks were going IN on them…they are old enough to know better so girl bye with this fake apology.”

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Another added: “What bulls**t. They don’t sound sincere at all.”

A third posted: “Y’all not sorry y’all just saying it cause people telling you to apologize.”

Kailyn contracted Covid while vacationing in the Dominican Republic with her four sons and unknowingly passed it on to Vee.

She also gave Covid to her ex-husband Javi Marroquin, and although they were all asymptomatic, to her sons Isaac, Lincoln, Lux, and Creed.


“It’s been so hard the past week just trying to be able to rest but also have my infant [Creed], he’s one. But he’s been a trooper. He hasn’t fought me at bedtime at all,” she explained.

Last week, Vee hopped on her Instagram stories to tell fans about her “miserable” experience with Coronavirus, as she completely lost her sense of “taste and smell.”

“I’m so sad sleeping in the bed by myself and Vivi keeps looking at me like, ‘don’t come near me,'” she shared, mentioning her five-year-old daughter.

“It’s so sad I want to be able to smell her again, I want to be able to kiss my husband, I’m miserable.”

The friends apologized for trying to make light of their situation

Kailyn caught the virus while on vacation in the Dominican Republic with her four sons