Teen Mom Kailyn Lowry fears for youngest son Creed, 11 months, as he suffers hives and eczema from mystery allergy

TEEN Mom 2 Kailyn Lowry shared her fears for baby Creed, 11 months.

Her youngest son has been suffering hives and eczema from a mystery allergy.

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Teen Mom 2 Kailyn Lowry shared her fears for baby Creed, 11 months

Kailyn’s youngest son has been suffering hives and eczema from a mystery allergy

Kailyn told her co-host Lindsey Chrisley on their podcast Coffee Convos: “I’ve been really really weird about certain pictures that I post where people can be like is that a shadow? Or what is that?

“…Creed is allergic to something or somethings. We have not figured out what it is exactly, but basically, I’ve taken him to the allergist before we left for our trip. And he said the eczema that he had is an underlying sign that he is allergic to other things.

“And basically, it’s a double edge sword because he has the eczema, and obviously, that makes him more prone to worse reactions. The skin doesn’t know how to handle the allergins, and it makes it worse because it’s hives on top of his eczema.

Kailyn shared how Creed will soon go for allergy testing to rule out certain food intolerances and she confirmed: “He’s definitely allergic to something. We just haven’t figured it out.”

The mom-of-four also recently told Lindsie on the podcast she had to rush Creed to the emergency room during their Punta Cana vacation after the child injured his head.

The Teen Mom 2 star flew to the tropical location with family and friends for what she hoped would be a relaxing vacation with her four sons.

Kailyn shared: “Let me just say, Creed is fine. He’s perfectly fine. But he’s scaling things. I went to put him down and he went to go grab the edge of the table to like scale it,” she explained.

“The table caught the corner of his eyebrow and they did take him up at the emergency room. They put little butterfly stitches on him.

“He’s good, he’s fine, but what an amazing trip so far,” the reality star added sarcastically.

Kailyn also recently discussed the guestlist for Creed’s upcoming first birthday on her Baby Mamas No Drama podcast with co-host Vee Rivera: “I invited you, and I did invite Javi. And I invited a couple members of Chris’ family but I did not invite Chris.

“But things are not good. So it’s to be expected I feel like… He’ll do his own situation, which is fine.”

The TV personality is also the mother to sons Isaac, 11, with ex Jo Rivera and Lux, three, and Creed, 11 months, with ex Chris Lopez.

On last week’s episode of Teen Mom 2, Kailyn refused to discuss her explosive custody battle with Chris.

Early on in the episode, Kailyn and Chris got into an argument that took place off-camera.

Chris argued he wanted 50/50 custody of their sons, Lux, three, and Creed, 11 months, while Kailyn insisted he “negotiate” with the lawyers so they can settle the matter out of court.

However, the exes ultimately ended up fighting it out in court.

Following the virtual hearing, the MTV star told a producer: “The judge made a ruling and I just don’t want to talk about it. It just is what is it.”

Kailyn further explained that the judge stated in the court documents “that this is not to be discussed or shared on social media or the TV show.”

She continued: “I definitely think I’m trying to handle things better now.

“I think it would’ve been much more explosive if this was five years ago or ten years ago, but I’m able to kind of deal with my emotions differently and navigate through tough things like this a lot differently with the help of therapy and really committing to that

The custody battle between Kailyn and Chris is not the only drama between the exes.

Last year, Kailyn was arrested after “punching Chris several times with a closed fist” over their eldest child’s haircut.

The Celeb Report revealed in February that the charges against the MTV star were dropped.

Kailyn shared how Creed will soon go for allergy testing to rule out certain food intolerances and she confirmed: ‘He’s definitely allergic to something. We just haven’t figured it out.’

The mom-of-four also recently had to rush Creed to the emergency room during their Punta Cana vacation after the child injured his head

Kailyn also recently discussed the guestlist for Creed’s upcoming first birthday saying the baby’s father Chris is not invited

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