Teen Mom Kailyn Lowry jokes teen pregnancy & three baby daddies stopped her from dental school

KAILYN Lowry today joked that her teenage pregnancy, divorce and three baby daddies stopped her from going to dental school.

The Teen Mom, 29, alum shot to fame in 2010 when she starred in the first ever series of MTV’s 16 and Pregnant.

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Kailyn Lowry joked about wanting to go to dental school but got pregnant at 16 instead

Since then she has gone on to get married and then divorced, and had four children in total, by three different men.

But today Kailyn poked fun at herself and how her ambition to become a dentist went out the window when life happened.

Taking to Instagram she posted a funny video of herself, with “jokes” written as the caption.

The video saw her at first looking away from the camera, as though she was talking to someone, and written over the top of the video was: “Yeah I’m gonna go to dental school and own my own practice.”

Kailyn has four sons, Isaac, Lincoln, Lux and Creed by three baby daddies

The Teen Mom alum poked fun at herself

Her fans loved her cheeky video

Next she faced the lens and it flashed up: “Kail did not go to dental school.

“She got knocked up at 16. She has been divorced. And has 3 baby daddies.”

Her fans loved this video, with one writing: “Your sense of humor is a vibe for me.”

While another said: “Hahaha I love that you can joke about yourself. I do this quite often and TBH.”

Kailyn shares sons Lux and Creed with ex, Chris Lopez

This one commented: “But Kail is THRIVING!”

Kailyn had her eldest son Isaac, 11, with her ex Joe Rivera.

Next she had seven-year-old son Lincoln with her baby dady number 2 and ex husband, Javi Marroquin, who she is now divorced from.

Kailyn shares her youngest child Creed, and her other son Lux, with her most recent ex Chris Lopez.

Kailyn and Joe Rivera share eldest son Lincoln

Kailyn shares Lincoln with her ex husband Javi Marroquin

Meanwhile, in a recent episode of her podcast Baby Mamas No Drama, Kailyn admitted she has never gotten along with all three of her baby daddies at the same time

She divulged: “I can never be getting along with all three of my baby dads at the same time. There was one small period where everyone was getting along, I was getting along with everyone. I was like, ‘Wow, if we could just keep this going.”‘

The Teen Mom 2 star continued: “It was like, ‘This is amazing.’ And then boom- s**t hit the fan.”

Kailyn continued: “It’s draining, but that’s my own f**king fault.”

She added: “It’s usually I’m arguing with two out of three. Always. I want to say things were really good with all three of them before.”

After stating there’s “stuff” going on with Jo right now, she added: “With Chris and Javi, we’re good.