Teen Mom Kailyn Lowry’s ex Chris Lopez insists he DOES spend time with sons Lux, 3, and Creed, 10 months in sweet snap

TEEN Mom Kailyn Lowry’s ex Chris Lopez insisted he DOES spend time with his sons Lux, 3, and Creed, 10 months, in a sweet snap.

Chris, 27, held a Q&A session with his followers over on Instagram.

Chris answered a fan’s question on Instagram

Kailyn posed with Creed and Lux in a photo

A fan asked: “How is it going watching a toddler and a baby when it’s your turn? I have 3 boys.”

The reality star mentioned that the 10-month-old baby “constantly needs attention.”

Chris also said that he had been “trying to the same for Lux.”

Chris and Kailyn pictured together

The TV personality added: “It gets tough some days but Lux is a great helper when it comes to his brother.”

In the sweet snap, Creed wore his Spider-Man costume while sipping from his baby bottle.

Lux laid his back on the floor while holding onto his infant brother.

Last month, Chris clapped back at the trolls who said Creed was not his son due to his “white skin.”

Chris slammed trolls who said Creed was not his son

While on Instagram live, Chris ranted: “Why I gotta turn my comments off cause people be ignorant?” 

“My son, yes he’s white. My son is white. So? His mom is white, it’s okay. If Creed had dark hair ya’ll probably wouldn’t say that.

“Just cause he has blonde hair. I don’t even know how genetics works but I’m not dumb, I understand things.”

Chris continued: “Have you seen her other kids? Are any of her other kids dark? No. Not even Lux, but y’all do not question that he’s not my son,” the reality star slammed.

Chris said both Creed and Lux need ‘constant attention’

“But because this one has white skin and blonde hair, y’all wanna keep saying stupid s**t. Focus on your own kids.

The TV star concluded: “I ain’t dark either, I got a little bit of color. I think Creed looks like me as a baby. I got a baby picture that looks just like him.”

About a week ago, Kailyn, 29, revealed that her ex appeared on her podcast.

The Teen Mom 2 star, 29, mocked her baby daddy by saying she could not air anything because he was unintelligible.

Kailyn, Isaac, Lincoln, Lux, and Creed posed for a group photo

The MTV star clapped back at her critics who wanted to know why her baby daddies, such as Chris and Javi Marroquin, 28, had not been featured on her podcast.

In her Instagram Story, the MTV star said: “I wanted to clear the air really quickly.

“Javi has been on Coffee Convos not once but twice. And Chris and I actually recorded an episode with [Kailyn’s co-host] Lindsie [Chrisley] for Coffee Convos.

“Unfortunately, he mumbled his way through it and so we were unable to air that episode.”

The reality star added: “So I just wanted to say that and know what you’re talking about before you talk s**t.”

Kailyn shares six-year-old Lincoln with Javi and shares Isaac, 11, with Jonathan Rivera, 34.

Kailyn said Chris ‘mumbled his way through’ her podcast

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