The 15 Biggest Friends Plot Holes and Blunders Uncovered

The 15 Biggest Friends Plot Holes and Blunders Uncovered


Friends, the iconic sitcom loved by many, is not without its flaws. Despite being one of the most successful shows of all time, there are several plot holes and blunders that fans can't unsee. Let's dive into the 15 biggest mistakes the show made.

1. Chandler and Rachel's Forgetful Meetings

Chandler and Rachel seem to have amnesia when it comes to their multiple first meetings throughout the series, forgetting their shared Thanksgivings from the past.

2. The Mysterious Lock on Monica and Rachel's Door

Monica and Rachel's apartment door magically locks itself in one Thanksgiving episode, raising the question of why it only happened once.

3. The Ever-Changing Apartment Number

The apartment number on Monica and Rachel's door seems to change floors multiple times throughout the show, leaving fans scratching their heads.

The 15 Biggest Friends Plot Holes and Blunders Uncovered

4. Joey's Growing Family

Joey seems to forget how many sisters he has as the series progresses, leading to confusion among fans about the size of his family.

5. Joey's Magic Fridge

Joey's fridge seems to have magical properties, with the door opening in different directions in different episodes, a detail that didn't go unnoticed by keen-eyed viewers.

6. Ross and Rachel's Disappearing Ink

Ross and Rachel's pen marks mysteriously vanish overnight after their Vegas escapade, adding to the list of inconsistencies in the show.

7. The Mystery of Birthdays

None of the Friends characters seem to know when their birthdays are, leading to a confusing timeline of age milestones throughout the series.

The 15 Biggest Friends Plot Holes and Blunders Uncovered

8. Monica and Chandler's Forgotten 'I Love You'

Monica and Chandler seem to have a lapse in memory when it comes to exchanging their first 'I love yous,' creating a continuity error in their relationship timeline.

9. Rapid Transformations for Rachel and Chandler

Rachel and Chandler undergo drastic physical changes in just a few hours, with new hairstyles magically appearing between episodes.

10. Monica's Dream Wedding Venue

Monica's dream wedding venue is forgotten after Chandler proposes, leaving fans wondering why they opted for a hotel ballroom instead.

11. Rachel's Never-Ending Pregnancy

Rachel's pregnancy seems to last longer than expected, raising eyebrows among fans about the timeline of events in the show.

The 15 Biggest Friends Plot Holes and Blunders Uncovered

12. Ross's Missing Son Ben

Ross's son Ben mysteriously disappears from the show, leaving viewers questioning his absence and lack of involvement in major life events.

13. Ross's Forgotten Virginity

Ross seems to forget about losing his virginity, creating a plot hole in his backstory that contradicts earlier episodes.

14. Chandler's Emotional Inconsistencies

Chandler's inability to cry is contradicted by past episodes where he shows emotion, highlighting a continuity error in his character development.

15. Rachel's Magic Key

Rachel's old key mysteriously works on new locks, defying logic and adding to the list of plot holes in the series.

The 15 Biggest Friends Plot Holes and Blunders Uncovered

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