The Apprentice 2021: Meet the New Candidates Ready to Impress Lord Sugar

The Apprentice 2021: Meet the New Candidates Ready to Impress Lord Sugar

LORD Alan Sugar's Back with a New Batch

LORD Alan Sugar is back with a fresh batch of candidates for The Apprentice. This year's line-up is more eclectic than ever, featuring a Ninja Warrior competitor, a hair transplant entrepreneur, and a corner shop boss.

Contestants Ready to Impress

This year's Apprentice candidates are ready to battle it out for a coveted £250,000 investment. Meet the diverse group of contestants who are set to bring drama, blunders, and high-pressure challenges to the boardroom.

From Glamorous Influencers to Business Owners

From influencers and former athletes to business owners and salon entrepreneurs, the new Apprentice candidates are a mix of unique backgrounds and experiences. Get ready to see them fight for Lord Sugar's investment.

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