NICK Showering has hit back at The Apprentice “fix” claims after fans accused him of being a “producer plant”.
The 31-year old drinks businessman was axed last night despite viewers thinking he was a shoo-in for the final.

Lord Sugar said he’d failed to make an impression in the series, but fans at home strongly disagreed.
They started rumours he was an undercover comedian on the show, but he has now insisted he wasn’t.
Nick addressed the rumours and said: “I don’t know whether it’s a diss or a compliment but I am sort of going with a compliment.
“Lord Sugar does not have a third aide.
“It’s a shock as I would never describe myself as a funny person ever.
“I remember in the application I said I’m not that funny but I’m quite fun.
“It’s actually been a massive compliment that people seem to be enjoying watching me. That’s been quite nice to know.”
Nick was dragged back into the boardroom with the eentire losing team
also made up of Stephanie, Katherine and Akshay.
Events manager and the task’s team leader Stephanie was slammed for her attempt to put on a race-themed corporate away day at Silverstone.
Akshay and Nick, who were in charge of hospitality on the sub team,
failed to deliver a luxury meal.
Nick said: “When we lost the task, I thought, ‘Okay, I’m in a bit of trouble because in the previous episode, the pod one, I almost got on the wrong end of a double firing’.
“And I knew then ‘if I don’t win the next task, I could be in huge trouble’.
“I was going to put myself forward as PM, but Steph obviously was in hospitality so I couldn’t really go for it. So I just have to hope that we won.”
He continued: “When we lost. I thought, ‘well, I’ve kind of messed up a bit in the kitchen. I’ve been really late with the lunch. I might not have sort of contributed enough. So I could be in real trouble.'”
Nick’s gut feeling was right and Lord Sugar, 74, gave him the sharp end of his tongue before pointing the dreaded firing finger at him.
But Nick revealed the billionaire has a softer side that viewers don’t get to see on the show.
He said: “There was a moment in Cornwall where I was on the market stall selling and I was on fire selling the tacos.
“Then in the boardroom Lord Sugar actually, as we left because we won, he sort of stopped us and gave me a mention in front of everyone.
“He said ‘Nick, just before you go I want to say well done in Cornwall, I heard you were fantastic, well done.”