The Cabins’ Corben vomits in bed after downing booze leaving viewers horrified

THE Cabins viewers could not believe what they were seeing when one contestant vomited in bed on his first date.

On Tuesday’s episode a new couple arrived to Beaver’s Burrow and became the first all male pairing on ITV2’s The Cabins.

Corben appeared on his first episode of The Cabins tonight

The dating show has been dubbed the new Winter Love Island where couples have 24 hours to find love.

Ginger haired Rhys turned up first to the cabin and noticed some dog treats on the kitchen counter.

His 6″4 date Corben soon arrived and brought his French Bulldog puppy Gigi, solving the mystery of the dog treats.

The pair seemed a bit awkward but interested in each other Rhys admitting he “falls in love very easily” and was so nervous he said, “I can’t stop my hands from shaking.”

He was paired alongside the very adorable Rhys

But after a big session of drinking, regret started to kick in

Corben woke up and started making retching sounds

He struggled to get out of bed and Rhys rushed to get him something to vomit into

But the two men soon bonded over their many tattoos with Rhys saying,  “I feel a bit calmer now.”

Corben admitted: “I feel like I do have a calming effect.”

The boys then crack open the drinks with Rhys managing to cover himself in bubbles after the bottle he opened fizzed all over him.

As Rhys prepared dinner, Corben got stuck into the rum with his date pointing out he’d “already had half of it” before dinner.

But it was too late

Then when Rhys served up their dinner of home cooked spaghetti Bolognese, the pair exchanged in some flirty banter.

Corben commented: “You do big portions don’t you?”

Rhys cheekily replied: “I’m just used to big portions!”

With Corben on the rum and Rhys on the rosé the night escalated to a lounge room disco, complete with colourful lights.

Corben had vomited all over the bed

Rhys notice Corben was looking worse for wear and tried to get the tall guy to drink some water and go to bed.

As he popped him in to bed, Corben quickly got up and started making hurling noises, with Rhys telling him to go to the bathroom and running to grab him something to vomit in.

But it was no use, Corben was too drunk and vomited all over himself and the bed.

Viewers could not believe what they were seeing and called for “less sick please”.

Rhys looked on with a mixture of concern and disgust

One Twitter user wrote: “Omg I can’t believe he did that, you never chunder on the first date.”

Another added: “Number 1 reason I don’t drink alcohol anymore…I’d rather not embarrass myself.”

And a third said: “I AM DEADDD. He straight up just threw up in their bed on their first ever date omggg this show why is it all just so funny.”

Rhys was forced to sleep on the foldout single sofa, with Gigi curled up at his feet.

And was relegated to the pull out sofa with Gigi, the French Bulldog

In the morning Corben apologised profusely for his embarrassing moment.

Rhys was very polite in letting it slide, and then the men decided to ask each other some ‘intimate’ questions over cuppa while sat out on the balcony.

Corben was understandably very apologetic the next morning

Corben asked what sort of fore play Rhys was not into, he was shocked when his date said he did not like the idea of being peed on.

“I’m partial to it,” Corben revealed.

Despite vomiting in the bed on their first night together and a bit of sexual incompatibility, the lads decided to try one more day in the cabin.

The Cabins continues on Wednesday, January 12 at 9pm on ITV2.

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