The Chase's Jenny Ryan Reveals Behind-the-Scenes Secrets that Leave Fans Baffled

The Chase's Jenny Ryan Reveals Behind-the-Scenes Secrets that Leave Fans Baffled

What Really Happens Backstage on The Chase?

The Chase's Jenny Ryan, also known as The Vixen, has recently opened up about the behind-the-scenes happenings on the popular ITV show. As a Chaser since 2015, Jenny has faced numerous questions from curious fans regarding the programme.

Clearing Up Common Misconceptions

Jenny addressed some of the common misconceptions that viewers have about the show. One of the biggest misconceptions is that the Chasers are present backstage for every episode. However, Jenny clarified that only some Chasers are there, as they work on a rota system to avoid the high cost and potential chaos of having all six Chasers present.

Setting the Record Straight

Another misconception that baffles fans is the idea that the Chasers are writing social media posts while simultaneously appearing on television. Jenny debunked this myth, explaining that the show is not broadcast live, and any social media posts are made at a different time.

A Warm Welcome for The Menace

Jenny also shared her experience of welcoming Darragh Ennis, also known as The Menace, to The Chase. She compared it to the introduction of a new companion or doctor on Doctor Who and emphasized the importance of maintaining the balance of the show. Despite initial concerns, Jenny revealed that her colleagues warmly welcomed her when she joined, and they have extended the same reception to Darragh.

The Chase's Jenny Ryan Reveals Behind-the-Scenes Secrets that Leave Fans Baffled

Could There Be More Chasers?

There has been speculation about the addition of another Chaser to the show. However, Jenny humorously pointed out that the set designers would have to figure out a way to accommodate an expanded set on Beat The Chasers, as she doubts there is a studio big enough for it.

The Chase airs tonight at 5pm on ITV.

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