The Ultimate Friends Quiz: Test Your Knowledge on the Iconic Sitcom

The Ultimate Friends Quiz: Test Your Knowledge on the Iconic Sitcom

Fans Celebrate 30 Years of Friends

Fans of the hit television sitcom Friends have been offered the opportunity to test just how much they remember about the series. Avid viewers of the American show will remember Ross getting his orange spray tan or the famous sofa-staircase sequence of the New York apartment. The quiz comes 30 years after the first episode of the show aired.

Iconic Moments and Characters

Featuring the antics of roommates and neighbours Ross, Rachel, Joey, Phoebe, Monica, and Chandler, memorable moments include Ross getting stuck in his new pair of leather trousers and Joey finding out about Monica and Chandler's relationship. Phoebe singing Smelly Cat and Ross mistakenly saying 'I take thee Rachel' are also fan favorites.

The Cultural Impact of Friends

A staggering 70 per cent of fans polled said the series is the most iconic show to be shown on TV. 77 per cent love to rewatch old moments as it makes them feel nostalgic. Joey's 'How you doin'?' line takes the top spot in everyday conversations, followed by Ross's 'pivot!' shout and Chandler's 'Could I BE any more...?'. Monica's apartment is considered the best location, and Central Perk coffee shop holds a special place in fans' hearts.