Underage Sex Shock in Coronation Street: Teen Stockpiles Condoms After Dumping Boyfriend

Underage Sex Shock in Coronation Street: Teen Stockpiles Condoms After Dumping Boyfriend

Teen Drama Unfolds

Coronation Street fans will be left shocked as one of the teens in Weatherfield prepares to go on a sex spree. Hope Stape has been happily going out with Sam for the past while, but upcoming episodes will see her tire of him.

A New Crush and Bold Moves

After developing a crush on Jack, she breaks up with her boyfriend, determined to make the most of her youth. Newly single, Hope heads to the GP in a surprise move, asking to go on the pill.

Parental Reactions

Dr. Gadass gives the underage girl condoms instead, urging her to speak to her parents about her plans. As she heads home with a stockpile of contraception, how will Hope's parents Fiz and Tyrone react to her newfound urge to have sex?

Past Troubles and Drama

Although Hope is over Sam now, she was previously left furious when he grew close to another girl before she got the chance to start dating him. Hope's devious ways have caused trouble for her parents in the past, including a confrontation with her mum's co-worker Beth.

Underage Sex Shock in Coronation Street: Teen Stockpiles Condoms After Dumping Boyfriend

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