Where is Piers Morgan on GMB this morning?

PIERS Morgan is a staple of morning TV, helping the UK to wake up every day on GMB.

But fans have been left wondering where the opinionated host, 55, is today and why he is not presenting the show.


Piers Morgan is taking a break from GMB for Xmas

Where is Piers Morgan on GMB this morning?

Piers and co-host Susanna Reid were both noticeably absent from GMB this morning (December 21, 2020).

Every year they take the Christmas holiday off, so they will be enjoying their festive break.

They will return to their hosting duties in the New Year.

Although a date is yet to be confirmed, it is likely to be January 4, 2021.

The opinionated host is enjoying this festive period at home

When did Piers ‘quit’ Twitter for 2020?

On December 19, 2020 it was reported how Piers had appeared to have quit Twitter for the rest of the year, saying “everyone’s gone absolutely bonkers” and that he’s “done with 2020”.

The outspoken TV presenter – who boasts 7.7million Twitter followers – said he was signing off the social media site last night following the news that Christmas is cancelled.

Summarising the state of affairs, Piers wrote: “A new mutant covid is on the rampage, Arsenal keep losing, the dreadful reality of Brexit is looming, Trump’s still chucking his toys out of the pram, Christmas is canned, and everyone on Twitter’s gone absolutely bonkers – including me. I’m done with 2020, see you in 2021.”

His dramatic send-off came after Prime Minister Boris Johnson plunged 18 million people in London and the South East into a new Tier 4 lockdown from midnight last night.

Travel and different households mixing is banned under the new highest level tier – with families elsewhere only allowed to form ‘Christmas bubbles’ on December 25 itself.

Reacting to the news, Piers said: “Boris Johnson today said he & his Govt have always tried to ‘follow the science’ in this crisis, but @MattHancock emphatically denied this on @GMB on Nov25, insisting they were only ‘guided by the science’, not ‘following’ it. There’s a massive difference.”

Who is replacing Piers on GMB while he is off for Christmas?

Charlotte Hawkins and Adil Ray are stepping into Piers and Susanna’s shoes while they are off.

She tweeted: “Morning! Come & join us on @gmb this morning. We’ll be answering your questions on what the new restrictions mean for you with an expert panel, so do get in touch. I’m here with @adilray & @Lauratobin1 disguised as a Christmas tree…”

Both Charlotte and Adil are regular’s on GMB.